The Zettabyte Era: IP Traffic in 2017

As per ISPs worldwide scrutiny, Cisco predicts that by 2017, yearly global Internet traffic will escalate to 1.4 zettabytes, which is equivalent to 1021 bytes. While in 2012, the traffic was around 1018 bytes that happens to be 528 exabytes. Researchers claim that videos alone would be able to fetch nearly 90 percent of traffic along with machine-to-machine communication and the explosion of mobile devices contributing to the high tide. Wave of mobile devices including the Smartphone sales in Mid East and Africa will also run in the boom drive.…

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Termites Inspire Crew of Tiny Autonomous Bots: Biomimicry

Inspired from termites, which are usually known for causing damages to the buildings, researchers from Harvard University have created a crew of tiny robots that are designed to work autonomously. The bio-inspired robots termed as TERMES can work without any central supervision and can carry bricks to construct structures as towers, castles and pyramids. 

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