Interview: Dr. Yifan Zhu, Robotics Scientist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

In the vast realm of the Intelligent Motion Lab, where the interplay of human ingenuity and technological wonders dance harmoniously, resides Dr. Yifan Zhu. A visionary soul, Dr. Zhu finds solace in the realm of robotics, under the wise guidance of Prof. Kris Hauser. Together, they delve deep into uncharted territories. Like a master sculptor shaping formless clay, Dr. Zhu’s focus lies in unravelling the secrets of deformable objects. Through painstaking analysis and intricate algorithms, he breathes life into these enigmatic entities, capturing their essence within a digital tapestry.

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Controlling Atomic Quantum Dots with a Solid-State Device: Quantum Microscopy

Physicists and engineers have been working on quantum technologies, like quantum microscopes, for years. The tool enables for in-depth study of the properties of quantum particles and states. Recently, a team from SQC/UNSW Sydney and the University of Melbourne has developed a solid-state quantum microscope. The microscope can manipulate and analyse atomic qubits in silicon.

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