Interview: Dr. Fengxin Sun, Fiber Scientist at Jiangnan University, China

I’m excited to introduce Dr. Fengxin Sun, an Associate Professor at the Key Laboratory of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University in Wuxi, China. Dr. Sun completed his Ph.D. in textile materials at Donghua University in Shanghai in 2017 and spent time as a joint Ph.D. student at the Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University in Australia. His research covers a fascinating range of topics, from textile material evaluation and functional textile development to mechanical modeling and simulation of soft materials.

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Yarn-Based Weaving for Soft Robotics: Revolutionizing Healthcare

Globally, electronics engineers are busy developing devices that are flexible, adaptable, and built for high performance. These devices are designed for real-world applications, including – robotics, healthcare and wearable technology. Similar efforts are underway in developing smart textiles as well. Interestingly, these fabrics can detect environmental changes or perform specific functions.

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Book Review: The Robots of Dawn by Issac Asimov

“The Robots of Dawn”, published in 1983, is the third novel in Asimov’s Robots series, following “The Caves of Steel” (1954) and “The Naked Sun” (1957). Isaac Asimov is one of my favorite science fiction writers. Even after nearly four decades, his work remains incredibly relevant today. His plots are fast paced and characters feel so lifelike, even the robots, which are portrayed with such depth and realism. With positronic robots in the mix, he crafts stories that explore the loopholes in the Three Laws of Robotics, which he himself…

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