Compact Cas7-11 Enzyme for RNA Editing: CRISPR-Cas System

The CRISPR CAS9 system famously known as genetic scissors was discovered by Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna in 2012. And since then, the new tool has been studied extensively across global academia. Initial studies of the genome editing tool altered only the DNA. However, lately the CAS system is also studied for editing RNA. What is CRISPR-CAS system? CRISPR-CAS system is an adaptive immune system of bacteria, which protects it from invaders. Also, it defends the bacterial host from renewed infection as it memorizes previous infections. DNA has the fingerprint.…

RNA-Guided Endonucleases in Eukaryotes: Genetic Tools found in Nature

An international team of researchers has identified a programmable RNA-guided system in eukaryotes. Eukaryotes encompass plants, animals, fungi, and protists. The newly discovered system is based on a protein called Fanzor. It uses RNA as a guide to precisely target DNA. The researchers demonstrated that Fanzor proteins can be reprogrammed to edit the genome of human cells. Compared to CRISPR/Cas systems, the Fanzor system is more compact and has the potential to be delivered more easily to cells and tissues as therapeutics.

Molecular Biology of Insulin: Decoding its Secrets via Fruit Fly Discoveries

As the scientific revelation unfolded, the discovery of insulin became the life-saving elixir to people who were suffering from diabetes, globally. Although, terms like high sugar, glucose, insulin, diabetes, glycaemic index etc are very well known to most of the masses. Yet, the first step of insulin synthesis, has been a tantalizing secret, which is yet to be unravelled even by the researchers. In a similar quest, scientists at the University of Michigan observed the tiny world of fruit flies. They studied how insulin is made in fruit flies by…