Lately, I have noticed that my machine with Win OS is running slow. Though this is not a general problem but happened recently so I worked along the following strategies. It helped me improving my machine’s overall performance. I hope the following eleven steps might serve you well too in case any of you are facing the same issues. 1. Disk space: At least 15% of the storage space must be kept free as it helps in efficient running of the machine. How this can be done? Go to My…
Read MoreAuthor: Pooja Kashyap
Robots Capitalizing On The Efficiency Of Nature: Biomimicry
Tentacles of biomimicry have entered into the technology realm as well and hence we are witnessing robots derived from the workings of mother nature. Researchers are working towards developing designs that might bestow the animal capabilities to machines. Cats Inspired E-Whiskers Electronic whiskers are one such offshoot created by the researchers at the Berkeley Lab. They fabricated this design using carbon nanotubes and silver nanoparticles. With this it seems after eclipsing the Silicon, the CNTs would now make its presence felt among robotics as well. These artificial whiskers are made…
Read MoreGraphene Sandwich Results In Higher Resolution Images Of Biomolecules
Biomolecule when sandwiched between sheets of graphene results in a high resolution of atomic level images of the molecule, a rare research put forth by the researchers at the University of Illinois, Chicago. The molecule called ferritin, an iron-storage protein, was imaged in the research. Prior to this method, imaging of any Biomolecule was taken of course with an electron microscope along with a liquid stage container that is placed between thick windows of silicon nitrate to protect the sample from vacuum. Graphene’s superior transparency becomes instrumental in providing an…
Read MoreNew Laser Printed Bone Like Material To Be Both Light And Strong
Humans are curious by nature and this curiosity has led them to morph from Stone Age to Bronze Era. As the centuries progressed, humans too evolved intellectually and hence quenched their thirst for more by reaching solutions technologically. As we can see in the current century, technology is touching its zenith researchers are busy manipulating substances at atomic level so that human race can witness totally new and evolutionary materials. Until now, it was difficult to find or to create bone like material artificially but a team of researchers headed…
Read MoreHigh Haze Paper Might Replace The Plastic Substrates Of Solar Cells
Paper coming from wood fibers would now be replacing plastic substrates that are employed in the manufacturing solar cells. Researchers from University of Maryland, the South China University of Technology, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have proposed this evolutionary step towards future technology. As per the researchers, solar cells gives maximum output when the materials involve have high optical transparency and high optical haze. Diffusion of light is of high quality when the optical transparency is high. And high optical haze helps in increasing the scattering of light which further…
Read MoreThe Black Swan, The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The book is quite enlightening in terms of conveying message as to how the world works. Things are not as easy as they appear to be. We are stuck in a complex web of randomness, which our mind is incapable of comprehending, a higher dimension so to say. Change by nature is erratic unlike constant, which we actually think it to be and such events are termed as Black Swans by Taleb. This book is an embodiment of idea, “what we don’t know is more important than what we know”…
Read MoreRise Of The Lizard Bots: Gecko Robot Might Go For Spacewalk Soon
What would be the field of robotics without biomimicry, I guess, nothing. After Cheetah bot and the Big Dog, researchers have come up with lizard-bot, to which they call gecko robot. Fabricated by a research team in Canada, the gecko robot can easily cross through a vertical surface. This mechanism (of sticking) is brought about by means of dry microscopic toe hair called the setae. Christened as Abigaille, the bot weighs around 240 gram. The six-legged climbing bot project is indeed inspired from the way lizards glue and walk effortlessly…
Read MoreEinstein, The Life and Times by Ronald W. Clark
One of the best biographies, I have read so far, although I had to re-read some of Einstein’s concepts to make myself clear for the next move. The progression from one part to the other is like moving a higher level with respect to Einstein’s journey and getting to know more of him at personal level. Before reading this book, I have always wondered had Einstein not discovered the theory of relativity, what would have happened to physics. But the answer wasn’t too difficult to find, there would have been…
Read MoreAtlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Atlas Shrugged is Ayn Rand’s magnum opus. Society where we are brought up determines our thought process and hence instills the foundations of rights and wrongs in our life. But there are people although very few in numbers who are not conditioned by the society. They have their own rules and dictate their life accordingly. They believe in doing their work and are not affected by what others have to say. And these are termed as ‘Prime Movers’. World cannot move ahead with prime movers yet it treats them cruelly.…
Read MoreFirst Artificial Leg That Reads Brain Signal To Walk
Groundbreaking research conducted at RIC has found a way of controlling an artificial leg via brain. Researchers have come up with first of its own kind bionic, mind controlled leg, taking bionics to the next level. This advancement in medical field is still in its testing phase. Although, mind controlled bionic arm has already been available to amputees so far. As per Zac Vawter, 32, who in a bike accident lost his leg 4 years back says, there’s nothing special that he had to learn like giving some tugs or…
Read MoreMars Acting Like An Enormous Gas Pump
Recent research claims that planet Mars might act as an enormous gas pump with its low atmospheric pressure and porous soil making the assertion strong enough to prove the hypothesis. Space scientists have already advocated the constant activity that is going on the surface like dust storms and drifting dunes. And now, the new study holds the certainty of having a similar kind of motion underneath the surface as well. With this assertion, the planet becomes the solar system’s first such body in which continuous pumping on a massive scale…
Read MoreAn Interview With Efrat Gommeh From Israel: Devoted To Design
Today, we would like to introduce our readers with the highly talented and vivacious Efrat Gommeh, all the way from kibbutz Mishmarot, Israel. Efrat holds a master’s degree, cum laude, in Design Management. Along with that, she also gathered knowledge about Waste Management and strives to find design oriented solutions to the environment problem. She is passionate about leading processes, which create sustainable advantages to organizations. Her specialties include product development, research, design management, CAD and Visualization using Solidworks and 3ds Max. There’s still more to come from one of…
Read MoreComputer Noises Now A Gateway To RSA Key Extraction
Since the inception of RSA public-key encryption in 1977, it has acted as a sentinel guarding online privacy and verified authenticity across the globe while using computers, gadgets and web browsers. But now it seems, like any other product cycle, this one too has reached the platform and soon enough it might require a revamp. A team of three researchers in Israel has claimed their ability to crack 4096-bit RSA encryption keys by listening to internal computer components that produces shrilling noises. Researchers said that they studied the noises produced…
Read MoreTrephination: Cranial Surgery Started With Hand Drilling In Neolithic times
Twenty first century is an epitome of progress and technological advancement. With the coming of stem cells, humanity has totally revolutionized medicine, an effort that was started in 1998. Stem cells are the all purpose cells, these cells have an entity of immature cells but have a huge potential of developing into many different kinds of cells. But amongst all these progression, cranial surgery is still a risky business. If we talk about the external factors employed today, surgeons are always endowed with aseptic environment, specialized surgical instruments and other…
Read MoreBeginning Of A New Communication Paradigm For Graphene
Graphene, I am sure, is one of the most sought after materials for researchers across the world today. Just two months back we shed light on how graphene will be replacing silicon in the chips creating revolution in the field of semiconductors and then we talked about the new annealing treatment that might take graphene to the next level. Still curious for more, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology claim that they have devised a mechanism through which they can extent the capability of nanoscale antennas fabricated from graphene…
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