Design Is An Art, Says Shawn Moghadam: An Interview

Shawn Moghadam is an Industrial / Vehicle / 3D Designer from Greater Los Angeles Area, CA. He has served Peugeot/Citroen (PSA), Audi, BMW, GM, Subaru, and Volvo trucks. His designs clearly show his in-depth understanding of customer requirements, which happens to be his asset in creating life in his concepts. When he is not designing, Moghadam is busy teaching design student the basics of 2D to 3D translation, how to make 3D models and generate photo-real images from them. Lately, we’ve got the honor of interviewing the much talented designer,…

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Antarctic Ice Sheet Rests Over Meltwater Streams

There are numerous landscapes resting under the deep sea level and across the poles that are untouched and yet to be discovered by humans on the planet Earth. Volcanoes have been discovered lurking under the oceans and now, researchers have come across beautiful and magnificent ice channels under the sheet of frozen ice. Antarctica possesses the enormous ice channels underneath a floating ice shelf. If we talk about measurements, it would surpass the Eiffel Tower, said the research scientists. Team behind the study is hoping that this discovery would be…

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Skype Rolls In New Architecture But Users Are HangingOut

Technology is improving every day, inch by inch, Google chats became Google hangouts, Facebook is rolling out with video ads, G modified its search engine car with a brand new engine called Hummingbird, all these changes/updations is done for a single aim, that is, to get more of the market pie and create a dedicated user base. Staying in the market for a decade, Skype too thought of going for its major architectural change. Although people behind skype have not disclosed the major change that we might experience but for…

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Self Assembling Modular Robots: The Future Of Robotics

Modular bot will be the new dimension in the field of Robotics. Unlike the conventional scheme of robots, the modular bots are cube and without any external moving part. Researchers behind the discovery have named each as M-Block. Scientists of MIT, John Romanishin, Daniela Rus and postdoc Kyle Gilpin are going to present a paper describing their new robots at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.

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Geeks Are Fans But Nerds Are Practitioners

Geeks are more interested in brands and so they talk about it with names, literally that is. On the other hand, nerds would talk on a more specific level. Their view of things would be depth oriented while it’ll be more broad with respect to the former. Software engineer Burr Settles from Pittsburgh scanned over 2.6 million tweets that came upon looking for the terms ‘geek’ and ‘nerd’. Based on his research, he formulated an equation, which determined the possibility of a specific word coming in geeky tweet or a…

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That’ll Be Me As A Robot

I have started falling for robots especially after watching Wall E and Real Steel but after seeing this, I feel I really need one of meself. I find it extremely cute & I can’t stop posting it 🙂 Ambience has a raining mood, you have a cup of coffee, the robo is playing guitar, cat is meowing on one shoulder, I’ll add a dog wagging too.  No tension of getting drenched just playing around with strings and singing. Source: Travistysbeard

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Titan Could Be A Fountainhead Of Organic Compounds

Propylene, an unsaturated organic compound has been discovered in Space debris. The compound is used as raw material in the production of food storage containers that we employ in our kitchen, other consumer products including car bumpers. Cassini, the largest, heaviest and most complex interplanetary spacecraft of NASA’s identified the debris on Saturn’s moon Titan. For the first time, the organic compound has been discovered in the aerospace. This is not the only exploration done on Titan. During 1980 expedition of Titan, the spacecraft (Voyager1) has detected some hydrocarbons, the…

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Internet Connected Highway

Internet across highway, this is what the transportation system in the UK is planning to achieve in the near future. The busy A14, a stretch of eighty kilometers, would soon be sodden with sensors for observing traffic by transferring signals to mobile devices in moving cars. In the words of Ofcom, telecoms watchdog, Sensors in cars and on the roads monitor the build-up of congestions and wirelessly send this information to a central traffic control system, which automatically imposes variable speed limits that smooth the flow of traffic. This system…

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Supervolcanoes May Lurked On Ancient Mars

Basin that was previously thought to be a consequence of meteorite impact on the surface of the Red planet is in fact the remnants of an ancient flared up supervolcano, postulated by Joseph R. Michalski, Senior Scientist at the Planetary Science Institute and co-author Jacob E. Bleacher of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. In the words Michalski, On Mars, young volcanoes have a very distinctive appearance that allows us to identify them. The long-standing question has been what ancient volcanoes on Mars look like. Perhaps they look like this one. Capacity of the…

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JEROS Stand Tall To Combat Marine Menace

South Korea is witnessing an upsurge of untold devastation in coastal areas some sea storm or Tsunami is not responsible for the havoc rather it is an offshoot of jellyfishes. Sounds like a great sci-fi movie but it is not the case. Jellyfish are threatening marine ecosystems and have already caused $300 million in damage and losses to fisheries, seaside power plants, and other ocean infrastructure. Invasion meltdown Large jellyfish swarms have been increased relatively throughout the world and are causing great disaster at the coastal areas. In order to…

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Resurrection of Old CDs into Wastewater Treatment Technology

Researchers from National Taiwan University, National Applied Research Laboratories in Taiwan, and the Research Center for Applied Sciences in Taiwan have come up with an innovative idea of resurrecting the old CDs and giving them life by employing them in breaking down sewage. Instead of going into e-waste, the team has developed a very practical application of the obsolete thing. As per the stats, 20 billion compact disks are manufactured every year plus the extensive collection of people that has now superseded by the advent of MP3 files and iPods.…

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Heralding Futurism

If we look around we’d see, we are heralding the futurism already. We are surrounded with technology; imagine a place where there’ll be no such thing as tech know-how and gadgets. We’d then be living in Pandora minus the Unobtainium and the gravity of course. We as humanity have reached great heights. First, we created a horse called technology and then rode over it to reach places where we could satiate our thirst for curiosity. For instance, we have delved into the ocean to discover the oceanic life support system…

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MEMS Can Be Used For Creating Seismic Network

Seismologists from Italy, Antonino D’Alessandro and Giuseppe D’Anna have postulated that small sensors that are employed for adjusting the screen orientation may assist in creating an urban seismic network. They compared LIS331DLH MEMS accelerometer installed in the iPhone with an earthquake sensor EpiSensor ES-T force. And concluded that MEMS accelerometers can identify earthquakes with magnitude 5 and above especially when located near the epicenter. What is MEMS? MEMS or the Micro-electromechanical Systems is one of those outstanding entity of the twenty first century technology that has seeped deep affecting the…

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Scout: The First AUV Enduring Transatlantic Journey

In 2009, scientists from Rutgers University launched Scarlet Knight, the first autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). It was more of an oceanographic glider spending major portion of its time under the waterbed. Thinking on the same lines but with an improved version, a team of young DIYers, have created a 12 feet long autonomous robotic boat called Scout to face the transatlantic journey. Unlike the Scarlet Knight, Scout would not be remotely controlled rather it would rely on its pre-programmed commands and information that it can collect about its environment through…

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End to Keywords Slavery: Hummingbird

Google has modified its search engine car with a brand new engine called Hummingbird. After the much-hyped Penguin, Panda and other updates, the big G made a huge leap with an altogether new search algo. As is the case with the secure search, Hummingbird too is created keeping in mind the users requirements. I feel Google is trying to become interactive with the users in helping them in landing on the exact location, which is defined by the search query.

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