Architectural framework for capturing solar energy has been done using layers of materials one over the other. It has been an expensive module to work upon. So in order to reduce the overall cost, the number of layers has been restricted, which lowered its total efficiency level. In order to counter act this problem, researchers came up with a solution according to which, the effectiveness of panels can be increased upto 22% by using aluminum studs on the plane surface of the material that’ll be exposed to the sun light.…
Read MoreCategory: Eco Tonics
Genetic Engineering to Fight Loss of Animal Species
As increasingly more species in the animal kingdom are haunted by the ghost of extinction, scientists are researching on some pretty drastic interventions to reserve threatened life. After its successful use on plants, facilitated adaptation through genetic engineering is considered as a practical option for now. In a recent article of mine, A Spotlight on Evolution, I shed light on environmental changes causing Bonbos to move and get redistributed into new places due to anthropogenic environmental changes, which significantly affected their behavior. New research is now focusing on moving genes…
Read MoreA New Scenario to the Cat Mouse Age Old War
If you ever happen to see a tiny mouse walking by a vicious street cat acting all confident and fearless, keep in mind that this mouse may not be genuinely courageous, but instead, is most probably infected with a parasite. New findings suggest that a Toxoplasma gondii parasitic infection in mice could make them permanently fearless of cats. Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate, intracellular, parasitic protozoan that causes the disease toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasma gondii is capable of infecting virtually all warm blodded animals.
Read MoreAntarctic Ice Sheet Rests Over Meltwater Streams
There are numerous landscapes resting under the deep sea level and across the poles that are untouched and yet to be discovered by humans on the planet Earth. Volcanoes have been discovered lurking under the oceans and now, researchers have come across beautiful and magnificent ice channels under the sheet of frozen ice. Antarctica possesses the enormous ice channels underneath a floating ice shelf. If we talk about measurements, it would surpass the Eiffel Tower, said the research scientists. Team behind the study is hoping that this discovery would be…
Read MoreAnimals’ Communication: Few More Secrets Revaled
A better understanding of the world of animals means a better understanding of the smartest mammals found so far- Humans. Recent research force has been focused on understanding animals’ means of communication amongst themselves. In one study, Scientists Rachel Morrison and Dianna Reiss of the City University of New York found that the cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) are able to whisper to members of their own species when approached by what they may consider as possible predators. It was discovered that these cute small-sized monkeys tend to use “low amplitude signaling”…
Read MoreResurrection of Old CDs into Wastewater Treatment Technology
Researchers from National Taiwan University, National Applied Research Laboratories in Taiwan, and the Research Center for Applied Sciences in Taiwan have come up with an innovative idea of resurrecting the old CDs and giving them life by employing them in breaking down sewage. Instead of going into e-waste, the team has developed a very practical application of the obsolete thing. As per the stats, 20 billion compact disks are manufactured every year plus the extensive collection of people that has now superseded by the advent of MP3 files and iPods.…
Read MoreOcean, An Epitome Of Stable Nutrient Reservoir
Understanding the oceanic life-support system has always been a subject under the radar of researchers. Recently, they have postulate a hypothesis according to which the wobbling of Earth on its axis in cyclic motion is responsible for producing a nutrient that determines the health of oceans. Earth’s climatic conditions, size of marine fisheries and aquatic environment all are directly proportional to the health of the oceans, says the study. The investigation conjectures that in the past 160,000 years, nitrogen fixation in the deep sea has increased and decreased in a…
Read MoreSpider Now A Nano Tech Provider
The headline sounds a li’l weird but ‘tis true. Electronic wastes and environmental pollution have created demands for innovative solutions. Eco-friendly electronic designs have come to the forefront to combat the problem created by the non-biodegradable plastics. But toxicity again posed a problem. Therefore, the assimilation of natural elements in these designs became mandatory to do away with the poisonous materials. Hence, Scientists at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Fla are trying to make it a reality. They have come up with a conclusion, which asserts that…
Read MoreGargantuan Volcano Lurking On The Pacific Floor
A team of researchers from A&M University has discovered a giant volcano resting under the surface of Pacific Ocean, which first they thought to be remnants of multiple volcanoes. Tamu Massif the extinct submarine shield volcano is to be found in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Surface area of the gargantuan is about 120,000 square miles with peak 2.2 miles high, somewhere around five and a half Mt. Everests hence, eclipsing the current largest subaerial volcano, Mauna Loa on the Hawaiian Islands. It’s probable dead as of now, advocated the researches…
Read MoreA Spotlight On Evolution
It seems like we are not only witnessing evolution, but are actually responsible for a big part of it. Recent animal research are revealing neurological, physiological and behavioral changes in certain animal species, in order for them to cope with the changes we humans are inflicting on our Earth and its environment. In one research conducted by a team of scientists at University of Minnesota, led by Emilie C. Snell-Rood, it was revealed that certain animal species living in the city of Minnesota (i.e., white-footed mouse and meadow vole) had…
Read MoreHuman Transport Via Pods
Ever wondered how it would be travelling in a tube, quite similar to pneumatic tubes that are used for sending mail and packages within and between buildings. Weird but quite thrilling, I know. It’s nowhere near to another ‘cube’ or ‘hypercube’ movie, it is a real world transportation concept, brainchild of Elon Musk, The Stark of our real world. He has named it the ‘Hyperloop’. As mentioned earlier, the system would be like pneumatic tube but connecting cities, which would nearly be 400 miles (643 kilometers) apart, that is, Los…
Read MorePlants Will Discharge Electrical Current
Humans have been harnessing the power of solar energy since 5th century. During the ancient era, designing and construction of buildings were done in order to maximize the energy of sun. Unlike any other forms of energy, solar energy is ubiquitous; it not only supports but also forms the basis of almost every form of energy we consume. Plants Champions of Solar Power Efficiency level of – man made – solar panels is somewhere between 12 to 17 percent, which happens to be a fraction of energy which we receive…
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