Biodegradable Electronic Blood Vessels: Tissue Interactions

In a joint effort, researchers at China and Switzerland have developed electronic blood vessels that mimics their natural counterparts. Most of the times, some foreign agent when implanted within the human body display uncertain behaviour. Incompatibility is a critical issue and at times, it often leads to tissue trauma.  

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Sponge Inspired Lattice Geometry: Biomimicry

Evolutionary process creates the most efficient mechanical as well as architectural designs. Most of the times, engineers take inspiration and try to replicate such resourcefulness in their designs. Of course, with the help of equations and computer algorithms, engineers try to fabricate bio inspired designs as bio-inspired engineering is a multi-step process.

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Electronics Out Of Bacteria: Microbial Physiology

Bacteria – Geobacter, to be more specific – discovered electricity much before than we did. And the interesting part is – ubiquitous, groundwater and also the under the ocean dwelling bacteria takes-in the organic waste and give-out “electrons”. Yes, a tiny electric current is an end product of their exhaling process.

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Internet of Things Will Morph To Internet of Humans: Neuralink

In The Age of Intelligent Machines (1990), inventor and visionary computer scientist, Raymond Kurzweil predicted that there will be a huge increase in the use of technology and an exponential growth in the internet. And by mid-21st century, AI would overtake human brain in computational capabilities. Eventually it would lead to intelligence explosion resulting in a powerful super intelligence that qualitatively surpass all human intelligence.

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Scottish Energy Tidal Turbine Power Company Supplies Electricity to the National Grid: Renewable Power (w/Video)

Technology advancement in harnessing renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind has reached a long way. However, tapping marine energy efficiently and reliably at the same time has always remained a challenging task.

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Ushering An Era of Quantum Computers with Built-in Optics: The Qubit Technology

Quantum computers are hypothetical devices with higher computational power than a traditional computer. The classical system involves bits as the smallest unit of data, that is represented by 0 or 1, while quantum computers are made up of quantum bits, also known as qubits. Unlike the conventional computer, where a bit has to be either 0 or 1, quantum mechanics grants a qubit to be in both the states at the same time. A qubit would be represented as 0 and 1 simultaneously,  a hallmark which is rudimentary to quantum…

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