We all love eating cranberries, but I was not aware that they have antioxidant properties which helps in having a longer & healthy life. Researchers from the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore conducted the study on a fruit fly called Drosophila.
Read MoreCategory: Health Tonics
First Artificial Leg That Reads Brain Signal To Walk
Groundbreaking research conducted at RIC has found a way of controlling an artificial leg via brain. Researchers have come up with first of its own kind bionic, mind controlled leg, taking bionics to the next level. This advancement in medical field is still in its testing phase. Although, mind controlled bionic arm has already been available to amputees so far. As per Zac Vawter, 32, who in a bike accident lost his leg 4 years back says, there’s nothing special that he had to learn like giving some tugs or…
Read MoreVideo Games Helps In Boosting Grey Matter Of The Brain
There is good news for all the folks who are addicted to video games and find it difficult to leave it. Researchers in a recent study found that playing video games could actually help in boosting the performance of the brain. They found that the person playing video games on an average of 30 minutes daily for 2 months have shown an increase in the grey matter of the brain areas involved in controlling the spatial consciousness, memory, and critical thinking.
Read MoreWomen Require Longer Hour Of Sleep Than Men
Recent research by Duke University, in Durham, North Carolina, revealed women require more sleep than men do. Previous studies on the topic suggests women deprived of ample sleep is more likely to show sign of anger, aggressiveness and may suffer from heart disease, psychological problems, depression, strokes and inflammation within the body.
Read MoreAn Element Of Aging In Mice Can Be Reversed: A Research
Today various beauty treatments and products are available, which claims to slow down the effect of aging and thus prolonging youthfulness. Recently a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School, the National Institute on Aging and the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia has discovered an element of aging, which can be reversed at molecular level.
Read MoreInkjet Technology To Print Eye Cell
For the first time a team of scientists from UK has pioneered in printing the eye cell taken from the adult eye using the new inkjet printing technology. Earlier scientists were able to print embryonic stem cells but could not create the delicate adult cells. Using the technology scientists now hope to fabricate tissue grafts made up of different cells taken from the retina of adult human eye to cure blindness or to create any replacement for damaged part or organ.
Read MoreFree Play For Everyone (1)
As promised in my last article, today I start a new series of posts to direct parents on how to spend what I like to call “smart times” with their little ones, and play games that will support a healthy development. In order to play right, a parent must know the types of play and the normal development of play in a child. This will give parents an opportunity to target the different types of play during their shared quality time. The main types of play are acquired throughout the…
Read MoreBioPen: A New Bone Printing Pen
Researchers at University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia has developed a new device using the 3 D printing technology known as BioPen. The latest technology will give the surgeons the power to design tailored implants directly at the injury spot and during surgery. Earlier surgeons had tough time finding matching tissues or body parts during surgeries and transplants. Using this hand held BioPen, creating even new bones identical to individual patient will now be possible.
Read MoreLink Between Brain Development And Poverty Found
(SES) refers to socio-economic status households. It is known amongst education and health professionals in the field of child development that early years’ experiences have a huge effect on children’s ability to acquire developmental milestones. Such experiences are greatly associated with family lifestyle and conditions. A new study found a connection between the child’s brain development and family income. The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, who proved that families living with incomes under 200 percent of the federal poverty line have less gray matter in their…
Read More3D Virtual Birth Simulator Might Avoid Complications During Births
Taking an innovative approach towards predicting the birth event during laboring, researchers at the University of East Anglia have come up with a patient-specific 3D virtual birth simulator. With an aim of assisting doctors and midwives, the simulator prepares them in case of complications at the time of births. The program takes into account the mother’s body shape and position of the baby to reach to proximity of what might take place during the birth event.
Read MoreElectrical Stimulation Provokes The Will to Persevere
I am sure that we have all heard stories of people who lead a fight with death, and won the fight against all odds. Such stories are no longer told for mere inspiration to hold on to life and declare war on hardships. It is now in fact being studied from a scientific point of view. A group of scientists believe that they may have discovered the brain part responsible for the “will to persevere”. The anterior midcingulate cortex has always been believed to play a role in emotions, pain…
Read MoreSynaesthesia is More Common in People with Autism
A new study suggests that people with autism are more likely to have synaesthesia. As explained in my previous article, Synesthesia is a neurologically based phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway- News-medical.net The study was carried out by a team of scientists led by Professor Simon Baron-Cohen at the Autism Research Centre at Cambridge University. The research team started their work from the assumption that both people with Synaesthesia and those with autism have atypical…
Read MoreTreating Acne With Marine Algae
This article goes out for all the women (men too) who are often troubled with ace problem and look for all the possible remedies to get rid off them. Researchers has found an answer to such acne problems. Researchers from University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture, discovered that the fatty acid produced from the marine algae, posses cleansing effects and therefore could cure acnes.
Read MoreI am Not Weird, I am a Synesthete
I still remember the first time I realized that numbers, week days, years and months had a certain order in my brain. I must have been around 7 or 8 then. And now, around 2 decades later, I realize that not everyone has this type of imagination, and that this is in fact a neurological phenomenon called Synesthesia. According to News-medical.net, Synesthesia is a neurologically based phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. People with…
Read MoreGene Mutation May Be The Reason Behind Alcoholism
We all know alcoholism (alcohol dependence) is not related on any single element and rather it is dependent on a number of elements like genetic, psychological and environmental. And out of the three genetic element has a major role in alcoholism and still researchers have not completely understood the complex process leading to alcoholism. However, as per a new study, gene mutation may be the probable cause leading person to alcoholism.
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