According to a study conducted by Northwestern University, music training may help in enhancing brain’s responses to sound, hone hearing and language skills in teenagers even if it is introduced as late as in high school. The study suggests music lessons helps improving skills that are considered important for academic success.
Read MoreCategory: Health Tonics
Cytosponge Pill can detect Csophageal Cancer at an Early Stage: Cure for Cancer
A research team from the University of Cambridge has found a way for early detection of esophageal cancer, which is also the eighth most common cancer type worldwide. Conspicuous symptoms of the cancer so far can be marked only in the advance stages.
Read MoreMicroneedle Pill to deliver Injections from the Inside: Injectable Medications
A spiky pill might replace injections in the near future. The mPill or Microneedle Pill has spikes all over its surface for direct diffusion of drug into the blood stream once it is consumed. Researchers envision using this technology in medication like insulin along with replacement of other oral drugs since it allows for faster absorption than the current tablets.
Read MoreIndividual Cell investigated at Bigger Scale: Single-Cell Genomics
There is still no evidence that suggests the exact number of cells present in human body. Although we can interpret them to be somewhere around hundreds of thousands but the figure is much more than that.
Read MoreDrinking Orange Juice helps in tackling Cognition in Elderly: Brain Health
Reading University’s researchers were able to prove that consuming orange juice daily can help in enhancing brainpower especially in elder people.
Read MoreHigher intake of Salt delays Puberty Onset: Reproductive Health
In a recent investigation by researchers at University of Wyoming, it was revealed that intake of high amount of salt can affect reproductive health of future generations.
Read MoreElectronic long-term Memory Cell that Mimics Brain’s Processes: Artificial Neural Network
With an aid of an electronic multi-state memory cell, RMIT University’s scientists have pioneered not only the technology of emulating the processes of human brain but also its ability of storing good amount of information. The discovery is a giant step that would make them closer to fabricating a bionic brain. Mirroring human brain processes would help treating Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s ailments claimed the team behind the discovery. Brain is like a complex analog computer Project leader Dr Sharath Sriram said that this is a ground-breaking development where they have…
Read MoreChewing Gum helps in removing catchy tones from Mind: Brainworms Effect
In an interesting research, scientists at the University of Reading have concluded that chewing a gum helps in eradicating the humming of song which is catchy of course and tends to go on and on within our head for days. The effect called an earworm or brainworm have been observed before but was poorly understood. However, this time, the researchers did come up with a solution and that is, having chewing gum as soon as one hears a catchy song, helps in thinking the song less often. Chewing helps in…
Read MoreBrain Shrinkage associated with Birth Control Pills: Hormonal Contraception
Until now, mood swings, weight gain and nausea have been some of the major side effects from birth control pills. Now, brain shrinkage too has been associated with the drug.
Read MoreInheritance of Characteristics are not decided only by DNA: Gene Regulation
It has always been believed that DNA is the storehouse of characteristics that pass-on from one generation to the next. However, there are other materials in a cell as well that can be attributed to passing on the hereditary traits, claimed a set of researchers at University of Edinburgh.
Read MorePerceptive Perfume eclipses Sweating with strong Odour: Body Odour Solution
No one likes the idea of using perfumes or deodorants to do away sweating as a matter of fact, no one likes to sweat except if one is gyming. However, climate change is making summers unbearably hot every year and making humans to sweat more.
Read MoreAnkle Exoskeleton for increasing Walking Efficiency: Better Gas Mileage for Humans
For humans, walking and running is primarily done by ankle hence, it can be considered as the major power source. Researchers at the University of North Carolina and Carnegie Mellon University have built a device called ankle exoskeleton that could be used for stable and easier walking. The device has no batteries and is devoid of any motors and it aims towards lessening the energy cost of human walking. The weight of carbon-fiber device is around 500 grams, nearly as that of a normal loafer.
Read MoreCombating Dental Microbial Infection with Coconut Oil: Oral Hygiene
Researchers at Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT), Ireland tested coconut oil samples on steptococcus mutans, the bacteria that is responsible for dental erosion, and noted that the oil inhibited the growth of the bacteria. Further observation also revealed that the oil was equally harmful to the yeast Candida albicans that leads to oral thrush.
Read MoreRevering Aging Clock at Cellular Level: Extending the Telomeres
In an interesting research in the field of microbiology, experts at the University of Stanford have tried to explore the process that might lead to eternal youth by maneuvering the key that is responsible for making human cells old.
Read MoreChewing of Gum leads to Oral Health: Dental Hygiene
Recent study from the University of Groningen, Netherlands has revealed the positive effect of chewing gums. Chewing of gum not only helps in exercising the facial muscles, but it also helps in contributing maintenance of oral health as it eradicates harmful bacteria from mouths.
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