Nanoparticle Compound delivered directly into the Gut Tissue: Self-propelling Nanobots

Experts believe that micromachines or nanobots use in the field of medicine can change the way some of the medical conditions are diagnosed and treated. Using these nanobots, medical payload would be sent directly to the specific injury site. Until now the researchers have achieved to test such micromachines in cell samples under laboratory conditions. 

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Separation from Cell Phone may cause Anxiety & Unpleasantness: Poor cognitive outcome

Today cell phone has become an integral part of human life and imagining a life without such fancy gadgets is impossible. Earlier cell phones were primarily used for communication, but now they have many more applications. This increase dependency on cell phones is no less than an addiction, which is difficult to overcome. To understand what happens when an individual is distanced from its phone, researchers from the University of Missouri conducted a study. 

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Fats Cells Protect against Bacterial Infections: Body’s Defense Mechanism

Most of us work hard to keep fat at bay from our body, the evil leads to obesity and increased level of cholesterol. However, these fat cells lying under the skin actually safeguard the human body from bacterial invasion. The imperative role of fat cells was discovered by researcher Richard Gallo from UC San Diego School of Medicine and explained the valuable role of fat cells also known as adipocytes. He found that adipocytes synthesis molecules termed as antimicrobial peptides, which fight infections and other pathogens. Apart from adipocytes, previous…

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Suneris VetiGel: Superfast Bioresorbable Clotting Agent

The first and the foremost step in treating any kind of injury is to cease blood loss. Though our body has its own mechanism to stop blood loss through formation of blood clots. But during severe injuries, our body struggle to stop blood loss and excessive blood loss is life threatening. Therefore, scientists are researching to find new ways to minimize blood loss during injuries. 

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Supplements do not Enhance an Individual’s Cognitive Performance: Balanced Diet is the Key

For long, B group vitamins, especially B6, B12 and folic acid has been considered playing a pivotal role in keeping the human’s brain healthy. They are known to boost memory and avert risk of disease such as Alzheimer’s disease. Because of these benefits, the vitamin B has become a part of a healthy diet. 

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Heart Disease starts from Stomach: Red Meat hardens the Arteries

Though red meat is one of the richest source of a powerful antioxidant called, lipoic acid, apart from harboring other essentials like iron, creatine, minerals and vitamins, findings from various studies suggest that red meat consumption is linked to significant health risks such as an increased chance of developing cardiovascular disease and even bowel cancer. 

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Magnetic Nanoparticle Pill will detect Cancer: Searching Bloodstream with Google

Giant web search engine, Google is expanding its business in different technological areas, investing in research program to develop driver-less cars, goggle glasses, contact lenses, delivery drones, robots, providing internet facilities via balloons to name a few. Now Google is expanding into the field of advance medicine. With an aim of developing nanoparticles that would be delivered in the form of a pill in aiding cancer detection and other ailments, the big G unveiled its latest project called the “Nanoparticle Platform. 

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High Milk Consumption leads to Greater Risk of Fractures: Fat triggers Inflammation

Importance of milk and other dairy products are long known to everyone. They are one of the richest sources of Calcium and contain Vitamin D which together plays an imperative role in strengthening human bones and teeth, thus, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Milk also contains many other essential nutrients. However, a recent study challenges the health benefits of milk intake and on the contrary, links high milk consumption with higher risk of fractures and early mortality.

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Individual Genes responsible for Violent Crimes: Nature versus Nurture

The debate on what makes a person more violent than another is still on. The question is whether criminals are born with such fierce nature or any incident or experience shape up such violent trait in criminals is yet to be answered. So far, scientists have proposed that certain genes (by altering brain chemistry), might be an influential factor behind such violent behavior. But DNA clues to back this suggestion is not present. 

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Charging Gadget in Bedroom leads to Weight Gain: Light from Devices Disrupt Metabolism during Sleep

Gadgets have made our lives convenient, but at the same time, safety issues have thwarted their ease. Experts are still debating & studying whether radio wavelengths emitted from cellular phone causes brain cancer or not. Now another team of researchers has discovered that charging cell phones or tablets in the bedroom, during night can lead to weight gain. 

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High Sugary Drinks lead to Poor Memory: Neuroinflammation

High intake of sugar-sweetened beverages (containing high sugar or high fructose corn syrup content) are responsible for obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease and other disorders. But recently, experts have found that these beverages when consumed (especially in adolescent age) can lead to poor memory and learning skills. 

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