Meet Dr. Monica Dus, an extraordinary trailblazer in the field of biology whose passion for unravelling the mysteries of our genetic makeup and its interaction with nutrition has earned her widespread recognition. As an Associate Professor with Tenure at the prestigious University of Michigan, she stands at the forefront of cutting-edge research in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology. Beyond academia, Dr. Dus is a 2023 Guggenheim Fellow in Biology, a distinction that further underscores her outstanding contributions to the scientific community.
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Interview: Dr. Yifan Zhu, Robotics Scientist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
In the vast realm of the Intelligent Motion Lab, where the interplay of human ingenuity and technological wonders dance harmoniously, resides Dr. Yifan Zhu. A visionary soul, Dr. Zhu finds solace in the realm of robotics, under the wise guidance of Prof. Kris Hauser. Together, they delve deep into uncharted territories. Like a master sculptor shaping formless clay, Dr. Zhu’s focus lies in unravelling the secrets of deformable objects. Through painstaking analysis and intricate algorithms, he breathes life into these enigmatic entities, capturing their essence within a digital tapestry.
Read MoreInterview: Dr. Enrico Donato, BioRobotics Scientist at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy
Dr. Enrico Donato is a Doctoral Researcher at the Brain-Inspired Robotics (BRAIR) Laboratory of The BioRobotics Istitute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. With an insatiable appetite for scientific exploration, he delves deep into the fascinating realm of soft robotics. His mind dances with algorithms, composing intricate control models that breathe life into these mechanical marvels.
Read MoreInterview: Dr. Maxwell Miner, Pharmaceutical Scientist at University of Turku, Finland
Dr. Maxwell Miner is a PhD candidate in the drug research doctoral program (DRDP) at the University of Turku working in the Roivainen group. In the realm of scientific exploration, his focus lies in the intricate art of crafting preclinical radiopharmaceuticals, harmonizing their elements to illuminate the hidden nuances of inflammatory diseases and gliomas within the captivating world of animal models.
Read MoreInterview: Dr. Ore Gottlieb, an Astrophysicist at Northwestern University, Illinois
Dr. Ore Gottlieb is a theoretical high energy astrophysicist. Currently, he is occupying Rothschild/CIERA Postdoctoral Fellowship position in Astrophysics at Northwestern University. His recent work on “Dying stars’ cocoons could be new source of gravitational waves” caught our attention and so we tried to touch base with him for an interview. We got lucky, as he agreed to spend some time with us.
Read MoreInterview: Dr. Kai Wang Materials Scientist at The Penn State
Dr. Kai Wang is PhD, Principal Investigator, and Assistant Research Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State. His recent work on intelligent and efficient panchromatic imaging for artificial retina biotechnology, caught our attention and so we tried to touch base with him for an interview. We got lucky, as he agreed to spend some time with us. Dr. Wang, here, talks about his quest to understand the mechanisms of cognition within the neural topological structures of the brain. And how these natural intelligences can be influenced…
Read MoreInterview: Dr Jie Yin, Associate Professor at North Carolina State University
Dr. Yin received his Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics from Columbia University. Prior to join NC State, he worked as a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT and an Assistant and Associate Professor at Temple University. He is the recipient of the NSF CAREER Award and Extreme Mechanics Letters (EML) Young Investigator Award.
Read MoreInterview: Wa’d AbuZurayk, a Neurotherapist and Paediatric Occupational Therapist, Jordan
Wa’d AbuZurayk is the first qualified neurotherapist and paediatric occupational therapist in Jordan. She has attained her licensed device from Germany. The device is both FDA and internationally approved. She is also the founder of Ujeed, Child Development Consultations in Amman, Jordan. These days most of her time is occupied with families to create their own unique narrative through neurotherapy, occupational therapy and a pinch of magic. With the help of neurotherapy, Wa’d aims to retrain the brain to develop new skills and increase brain fitness. While at the same time…
Read MoreInterview: Dr Philipp Simons, Materials Scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr. Philipp Simons recently hit headlines with his new paper on miniature glucose fuel cells for implantable devices. According to him, human body is saturated with glucose hence, harvesting this energy to power implantable devices is an achievable feat. Dr. Jennifer L.M. Rupp from Technical University Munich in Germany, also Dr. Simons’ thesis supervisor, postulated that battery takes up 90% of an implant’s volume. Interestingly, the new fuel cell will mask the implant and power it with no volumetric footprint. Their innovative approach to solve medical problem gave me an…
Read MoreInterview: Dr Federico Paolucci, Research Scientist at Superconducting Quantum Electronics Lab, Italy
Dr Federico Paolucci is a Research Scientist at Superconducting Quantum Electronics Lab (SQEL) nested in Pisa, Italy. He has co-authored papers like Electrostatic field-driven supercurrent suppression in ionic-gated metallic Josephson nano transistors, Bipolar Thermoelectric Josephson Engine and Thermal superconducting quantum interference proximity transistor to name a few. His recent research involves tuning the thermal properties of a superconductor by controlling its spectral characteristics. And this made me intrigued to get in touch with him and requested him to squeeze-in some time from his busy schedule for an interview. Nothing excites…
Read MoreInterview: Dr Arthur Suvorov, An Astrophysicist at The Manly Astrophysics, Australia and Uni. of Tübingen
Dr. Arthur Suvorov is an astrophysicist at The Manly Astrophysics in Australia. He did first class honors degree at Monash University, in a double-dose of mathematics with physics on the side. Followed by his PhD from Melbourne Uni. His areas of interest include various aspects of neutron star. Lately, he collaborated with Universidad de Murcia, Spain in a project entitled “Magnetically supramassive neutron stars”, paper of which is also published in Physical Review Letters (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.105.L061302). Dr. Suvorov is also the recipient of one of the most prestigious Humboldt…
Read MoreInterview: Takashi Ozaki, Research Scientist at Toyota Central R&D Labs, Japan
Takashi Ozaki is the frontier research leader at Beyond-X Research Domain, Toyota Central R&D Labs. Inc. Japan. He completed his B.E. and M.E. from Kyoto University. His area of research fields includes – bioinspired actuators and robotics, micro electromechanical systems and microfabrication processes.
Read MoreInterview: Dr Nadac Reales, a Biotechnology Research Scientist at University of Antofagasta, Chile
Dr Nadac Reales is Deputy Director of Innovator Services at University of Antofagasta, Chile. Additionally, she is running her own firm, the Rudanac Biotec Lab. Aim of her lab is to provide biotechnological solutions to real world problems.
Read MoreInterview: Dr Benjamin Pope, an Astrophysicist at The University of Queensland, Brisbane
Dr Benjamin Pope is a physicist and data scientist at The University of Queensland, Brisbane. He is working to find planets around other stars using NASA space telescopes. With the help of leading-edge machine-learning algorithms, he is trying to dig up tiny signals out of the noise to expand our knowledge of the universe.
Read MoreInterview: Dr. Kamber Schwarz, Postdoctoral Researcher at Max Planck Institute for Astronomy Heidelberg
Dr. Kamber Schwarz is a postdoc at MPIA in Heidelberg. She has been a NASA Sagan Postdoctoral Fellow in the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona. She received her PhD in Astronomy & Astrophysics from the University of Michigan in 2018. She is also the recipient of the prestigious Ralph B. Baldwin Prize in Astronomy, 2020.
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