Badmouthing Employers On Social Media: A Sign Of Harmony Imbalancement In Life

We are in a public space, internet or to be more specific, social media knows no such thing as ‘privacy’. ‘Groups’ as in Facebook or ‘circles’ as in Google Plus are nothing more than illusionary barriers which in the real sense are thwarting privacy. Levels of privacy are mirage, an illusionary fence of the social networks, a concept, which is very much clear with the Facebook account holders. If internet is a vast ocean then social networks are aquatic concorde jets, creating ripping effects while at the same time gliding…

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Sentiment Analytics Gives Wisdom Of The Crowd: Social Media

Immensity with which the social networks are growing is unprecedented in its own way. Facebook consists of roughly 1 billion users, twitter has 500 million users, LinkedIn has over 225 million users, Pinterest has more than 10 million users, Instagram uploads 5 millions images everyday and Google+ receives 5 billion +1’s daily. This is not enough, there are Asian networking sites boasting of more than 500 million users. For example, Qzone social networking website, which was created by Tencent in 2005, allows users to write blogs, keep diaries, send photos…

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Gamification: Understanding The Very Aspect Of Life & Work

Gamification is one of the most innovative strategies in getting insights for any organization. It also happens to be the most predominant approach across networking sites for creating a stream of dedicated user base. If we talk about it at an enterprise level, we find this phenomenon of using game elements in non-game contexts has been a lucrative offer for both the management as well as employees. The same process can be used effectively in dealing with outside segment that is the customer and the clients and the inner circle,…

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Technology, An Explosively Dynamic Milieu Of Exponential Time & Innovation

The immeasurable manifestations of science and technology have deeply affected our thought process and the way we live. This scientific knowledge and its technological applications is expediting at a very fast pace. For instance, the tech industry today, is sodden with explosively dynamic milieu of ever-increasing innovation that every next day we witness some milestone or a breakthrough. The Exponential Time Tech paraphernalia morphed into a completely new growth dimension within a gap of few decades only. For instance, radio took 38 years to reach 50 million users, TV took…

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Heralding Futurism

If we look around we’d see, we are heralding the futurism already. We are surrounded with technology; imagine a place where there’ll be no such thing as tech know-how and gadgets. We’d then be living in Pandora minus the Unobtainium and the gravity of course. We as humanity have reached great heights. First, we created a horse called technology and then rode over it to reach places where we could satiate our thirst for curiosity. For instance, we have delved into the ocean to discover the oceanic life support system…

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Startups, An Apprentice For Lifetime

Being part of a startup is an unending series of learning process. The CEO pays for acquiring new knowledge every day. It’s a perfect school that gives the problem-solving attitude, which proves extremely helpful in later years of life. Period. Working in huge corporations is good, money wise that is. Not to miss the learning skills, which one gains, but getting a problem solve at the grass root level is not in their syllabus. This kind of education can only be learned by going into different roles, which of course…

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