Three Roads to Quantum Gravity: A New Understanding of Space, Time and the Universe is written by Lee Smolin. He is a theoretical physicist and senior faculty member at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. He has contributed significantly to the development of Loop Quantum Gravity and Deformed Special Relativity.
Read MoreA Quadruped Robot with Proprioception and a Tail: Biomimicry
Nature has always inspired philosophers, scientists, and researchers alike. When it comes to solve human problems or create innovative products and technologies, studying nature’s designs and processes lead to more sustainable and efficient solutions. Afterall, nature has had millions of years to develop solutions to problems. These solutions have been honed through the process of natural selection. Learning and getting inspired from nature’s solutions, is called biomimicry. Designers, engineers, and scientists are inspired from nature to create more sustainable and efficient products and systems.
Read MoreBook Review: The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins
I am a big fan of Richard Dawkins works. I have already read his four books, namely, The Selfish Gene, The God Delusion and Brief Candle in the Dark. And I find them remarkable in the sense that he perfectly chooses his words to prove the clarity of his thoughts. As a science educator, his ideas are impeccably backed up with obvious logics. Which promotes scientific and logical understanding to the fundamental questions of persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence.
Read MoreDistinct Activation Patterns of Projection Neurons: Cortical Dynamics
Cerebral cortex is the outer layer of cerebrum, that is the largest part of the brain. All kinds of higher-level processes such as language, memory, and decision-making are performed in this region. The complex, densely packed structure is saturated with various types of neurons. It is extremely difficult to image its neuronal dynamics with the necessary spatial and temporal resolution. So far, fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) technique is widely used for studying brain activity. However, when it comes down to examine neural circuitry at the point of a single…
Read MoreMagnetic Star–planet Interactions: YZ Ceti b
Magnetic field is an important characteristic of a planet. And when it comes to Earth, the field is generated by the motion of molten iron in its core. It not only protects the atmosphere on Earth from cosmic radiations but it also deflects the charged particles spewed off by the sun. In absence of magnetic field, planet’s atmosphere would erode. Thus, making it less habitable.
Read MorePiezoelectric Effect observed in Ionic Liquids: Pressure Electricity
Certain materials like crystals, ceramics, and at times even biological matter (bone, DNA, and proteins), can generate an electrical charge. The effect is seen when the material is put under the influence of some mechanical stress – such as pressure or vibration – this phenomenon is termed as piezoelectricity. The charge is accumulated on the surface of the material. From there, it can be used for various applications.
Read MoreAstrocytes are the Information Regulators: Brain Pathology
Astrocytes are the non-neuronal cells that provide support and maintenance to neurons in the brain and spinal cord. They have a star-shaped morphology, with multiple branching processes that extend out from the cell body. They form specialized junctions with blood vessels for regulating the transport of nutrients and other molecules between the brain and the bloodstream.
Read MoreGravity is Holographic Projection from a Higher-Dimension: De Sitter Space
According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, gravity arises from the curvature of spacetime, caused by the presence of massive objects. This curvature, also, impacts the motion of all nearby objects thus, causing them to move in curved paths. General relativity however breaks down under extreme conditions such as those found in black holes and the early universe. These conditions comprise of high energies and densities, which exponentially influences the effects of quantum mechanics. And it has been observed that the laws of general relativity no longer provide a complete…
Read MoreBook Review: Passion for Mathematics by Clifford Pickover
Recently, I came across the works of Clifford Pickover. I finished reading Surfing Through Hyperspace and I found it extremely interesting, and so I decided to try another book from his vault – Passion for Mathematics. This book is equally fascinating. I liked the presentation of the content. Firstly, the various mathematical ideas are introduced with diagrams and puzzles, which helps in understanding the notion better. Secondly, quotes are sprinkled here and there to give the subject some poetic effect and depth to abstract concepts. Thirdly, the brain teasers and…
Read MoreDysfunction in Protein Homeostasis associated with Parkinson’s Disease: Biomarkers
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease. The characteristic motor impairments are due to two main reasons:
Read MoreZinc Batteries for Sustainable Development: The New Hybrid Electrolyte
Zinc batteries have been explored as an alternative to lithium-ion batteries for large-scale energy storage since long. Zinc-based batteries is preferred over li-ion batteries because it is abundant, low-cost, and environmentally friendly compared to other metals. However, their efficiency has been limited due to issues with the zinc metal anode. However, with the recent development of a new electrolyte that improves the efficiency of the zinc metal anode to nearly 100%, researchers envision that it could make zinc batteries a viable alternative.
Read MoreBook Review: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is a beautiful book written by Rebecca Skloot in 2010. It is about a poor African American woman who came down with a rare cervical cancer in 1950s. After giving birth to her fourth child, Henrietta grew suspicious of a lump in her cervix. To clarify things, she went straight to Johns Hopkins Hospital. The doctor took a biopsy by extracting sample cells for examination. Although she couldn’t survive, after a few sessions of x-ray therapy and radium treatment. She died at the age…
Read MoreReal-time Neural MPC: Deep Learning & Model Predictive Control Framework
Model predictive control (MPC) is a powerful technique that has gained popularity in recent years for controlling the movements of robotic agents. It involves using a model of the agent’s dynamics to predict its future behaviour. Followed by optimization of this behaviour to achieve a desired goal while also satisfying a set of constraints. MPC algorithms are capable of handling complex scenarios and can consider various factors such as the agent’s physical constraints, environmental conditions, and the dynamics of other objects in the environment. This makes MPC a popular choice…
Read MoreAltered Gravity can give Suppressive Effect: Immune System in Space
Short-term exposure to altered gravity, such as the brief periods of weightlessness experienced during parabolic flights, is generally not considered to be harmful to human health. However, it’s important to note that even short periods of altered gravity can slightly thought not exponentially affect the body in various ways. For example, during periods of weightlessness, fluids tend to shift from the lower body to the upper body, which can cause a decrease in blood volume and an increase in pressure in the head and upper body. This can result in…
Read MoreBook review: Surfing Through Hyperspace by Clifford A. Pickover
Surfing Through Hyperspace: Understanding Higher Universes in Six Easy Lessons by Clifford A. Pickover hovers around the concept of fourth dimension. In simple words, it’s a walkthrough of higher dimensions. Clifford A. Pickover is an American author, editor, and columnist in the fields of science, mathematics, science fiction, innovation, and creativity. A futurist and science writer, Pickover likes to contemplate realms beyond our 3-dimensional reality. Interestingly, he puts his ideas down on paper for readers like us to experience his visualizations.
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