Altered Gravity can give Suppressive Effect: Immune System in Space

Short-term exposure to altered gravity, such as the brief periods of weightlessness experienced during parabolic flights, is generally not considered to be harmful to human health. However, it’s important to note that even short periods of altered gravity can slightly thought not exponentially affect the body in various ways. For example, during periods of weightlessness, fluids tend to shift from the lower body to the upper body, which can cause a decrease in blood volume and an increase in pressure in the head and upper body. This can result in…

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Book review: Surfing Through Hyperspace by Clifford A. Pickover

Surfing Through Hyperspace: Understanding Higher Universes in Six Easy Lessons by Clifford A. Pickover hovers around the concept of fourth dimension. In simple words, it’s a walkthrough of higher dimensions.   Clifford A. Pickover is an American author, editor, and columnist in the fields of science, mathematics, science fiction, innovation, and creativity. A futurist and science writer, Pickover likes to contemplate realms beyond our 3-dimensional reality. Interestingly, he puts his ideas down on paper for readers like us to experience his visualizations.

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Dynamics between Quantum Entanglement: Coupling at a Distance

Entanglement is a unique and powerful feature of quantum mechanics. It allows two or more particles, such as photons of light, to become correlated in such a way that the state of one particle is immediately determined by the state of the other particle, regardless of the distance between them. This phenomenon has been studied extensively in the field of quantum physics. It has important implications for the development of quantum technologies such as quantum cryptography and quantum computing.

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Book Review: The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert

In The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, Elizabeth Kolbert explores the current state of biodiversity loss and the role that human activities have played in causing it. Kolbert is an American journalist and author. She is the editor of “The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2009” and the author of “The Prophet of Love: And Other Tales of Power and Deceit,” “Field Notes from a Catastrophe,” and “The Sixth Extinction,” for which she won the Pulitzer Prize for general nonfiction in 2015. The Sixth Extinction provides a detailed analysis…

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Neuro-Stack to records Single Neuron Activity: Brain Mechanisms of Movement

New technologies have revolutionized many fields, including medicine and neuroscience. Advances in engineering, materials science, and computer technology have enabled the development of increasingly sophisticated devices for recording and analysing biological signals, such as brain activity, with unprecedented precision and accuracy. For instance, electroencephalography (EEG) is a non-invasive technique that measures electrical activity in the brain using electrodes placed on the scalp. With the advancement in electronics and computing the EEG signals can now be recorded with greater precision and resolution.

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Book Review: Running Rewired by Jay Dicharry

Running Rewired: Reinvent Your Run for Stability, Strength, and Speed by Jay Dicharry is more of a workable program than a book to read. Jay is a physical therapist, teacher, biomechanics researcher, in Oregon, USA. His REP Lab is a national destination for elite athletes because he diagnoses and rebuilds injured endurance athletes. Along with Running Rewired, he has also written Anatomy for Runners: Unlocking Your Athletic Potential for Health, Speed, and Injury Prevention, which I’ll be reading and of course reviewing in the near future.

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Book Review: The Technological Singularity by Murray Shanahan

The Technological Singularity by Murray Shanahan hovers around a hypothetical event that is, a time in the future when AI has totally eclipsed human intelligence. What then? There will be an exponential progress in technology that’ll create a future too difficult to predict.   Some experts, however, suggest that AI then can solve some of the world’s most pressing problems such as climate change, disease, and poverty. While others believe that the singularity could lead to the end of humanity as we know it.

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Molecular Atlas of Spider Silk: Fibrous Protein Assembly

Researchers at Southwest University in China have successfully constructed the chromosomal-scale genome assembly as well as the complete spidroin gene set of the golden orb-weaving spider. The chromosomal-scale genome assembly represents genome sequence; while the spidroin refers to proteins in spider silk. Different spidroins determine the varieties in spider silks.   With this new insight, researchers can dive deeper into the silk-producing capabilities of spiders. Eventually, this might lead to the development of new materials with desirable mechanical properties.

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Hydrogels Promote Neuronal Tissue Growth: Brain Healing

Degeneration of brain cells could be a natural aging process. However, destruction or deterioration of brain cells could occur due to a wide range of internal as well as external factors. In general, brain damage refers to significant, undiscriminating trauma-induced damage. Science has tremendously advanced when it comes to health care and disease control. There are new and radical developments in the field of neurology alone. One such progress is brain tissue reconstruction.

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Book Review: Genius Foods by Max Lugavere

Human brain, is one of the most remarkable developments of evolution. Research has shown that it is capable to develop and adapt throughout our lives. New experiences and environmental changes are instrumental to its ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections and pathways. Also called as neural plasticity or brain plasticity. Yet, there are factors that could be detrimental to our brain health. Poor diet, no physical activity, chronic stress, and insufficient sleep are some triggers that can have negative effects on brain function and cognitive performance.

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Exon Junction Complex controls mRNA: RNA Methylation

Our gene expression is regulated by RNA methylation. Same process also affects various cellular processes like differentiation and development. Lately, University of Chicago researchers, led by Chuan He, have uncovered new insights into how genes work by solving a long-standing mystery related to RNA methylation. Researchers in Chuan He’s lab have been studying RNA methylation and its potential impact on human health for over a decade.

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Book Review: Wholeness and the Implicate Order by David Bohm

Our perception of the reality is not whole rather it is fragmented, this is the essence of Bohm’s Wholeness and the Implicate Order. David Bohm was a theoretical physicist who made significant contributions to the field of quantum mechanics. He was known for his causal and nonlocal interpretation of quantum mechanics, which challenged traditional views of the subject. He was also known for his work in other areas of physics and philosophy, including the concept of “implicate order” and his contributions to the understanding of the relationship between consciousness and…

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Platform for Building Quantum Networks: Entanglement of Trapped-ion

The researchers at the University of Innsbruck and the Université Paris-Saclay have developed a method for linking multiple quantum systems by trapping atoms in optical cavities. And then transferring the quantum information to light particles which can then be sent through optical fibers. They have successfully entangled two trapped ions located more than a few meters apart for the first time.

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