The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality is the second book of theoretical physicist, mathematician, and string theorist, professor Brian Greene. However, this happens to be my third read from the author, first two were Until the End of Time and The Hidden Reality.
Read MoreInterview: Dr. Guido de Croon, Professor at Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Dr. Guido de Croon is a Full Professor at Delft University of Technology Netherlands. Dr. Croon’s research interests focus on the bio-inspired robotics, micro air vehicles, vision-based navigation and swarm robotics.
Read MoreBook Review: Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari
Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari presents a 360-view of how addiction works. It gives a chronological account of the War on Drugs, hence, it’s a largely convincing book. Johann Hari started his journey in the first place as he had a few questions like: What causes addiction? Is there any alternative to system that we have been using that doesn’t seem to work?
Read MoreSupercomputer Simulation to Investigate Black Hole and Galaxy Coevolution: Quasar Fueling
Big question regarding the formation of black holes and how they grow under different regimes have always been the holy grail for astrophysicists. Our galaxy hovers around a massive black hole which, under normal circumstances, is surrounded by spinning gases. Not much is known about these gases, however, some shine brightly, with an unceasing supply of fuel. While others go to a state of temporary dormancy and erupts again later with an influx of gases.
Read MoreSwimming is Dynamics of Two Nervous System: AgnathaX
Starting in the early 1900s, one of the problems that baffled neuroscientists worldwide was the role of central and peripheral nervous systems in swimming locomotion. In other words, how swimming locomotion is generated and how vertebrates synchronize the rhythm that is required for the locomotion.
Read MoreX-ray Emission from Behind Black Hole: Galactic Nuclei
Black holes are the most fascinating phenomena in the universe. Any new finding regarding the intricacies of black hole makes us wonder how less we know about it. This uncanny object is famous for ingesting huge quantities of matter from its surroundings, beaming with glittering luminosity and spilling out small portion of this matter by means of very powerful jets.
Read MoreProbiotics Protect Bleached Corals from Death: Beneficial Microorganisms
Coral reefs harbour the highest biodiversity of any ecosystem globally. Constant rise in temperature is causing havoc to marine life as well. Coral reefs across the globe are suffering from bleaching and mass mortality due to warming ocean temperatures. Recent research by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) shows probiotic treatment can boost coral health.
Read MoreChameleon Inspired Next-Generation Artificial Camouflage: Biomimicry
To depict natural camouflage characteristics via artificial camouflage at device level has remained a challenge since decades. However, researchers at Seoul National University have developed an artificial camouflage that can adapt and blend with its surroundings. A defense strategy as seen in the case of chameleon that changes its appearance to avoid predators.
Read MoreBook Review: I Contain Multitudes by Ed Yong
Ed Yong’s masterful journal, I Contain Multitudes happens to be my first microbiology book that I decided to hang out with. And it didn’t let me down, in fact, the book offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of microbes.
Read MoreFruitflies Inspired Tiny Drones To Locate Gas Leak Source: Biomimicry
Biomimicry is not only shaping sustainable designs but it’s also revolutionizing the robotic technology. Researchers today are picking up learning from animal and insect kingdom to develop locomotion and structures in their labs.
Read More256 Qubit Programmable Quantum Simulator: Computing Revolution
An international team of researchers from the Harvard-MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms and other universities has created a programmable quantum simulator. The newly developed quantum computer operates on 256 quantum bits unlike its predecessor, which was on 51 qubits.
Read MoreBook Review: The Future of Humanity by Michio Kaku
Lately, Dr. Michio Kaku’s book The Future of Humanity caught my attention. The book is uber fascinating and it was difficult to put it down, I finished reading in less than a week. I wasn’t reading, rather I was witnessing the ‘space odyssey’ in Dr. Kaku’s style.
Read MoreBook Review: The Hidden Reality by Brian Greene
The Hidden Reality talks about parallel universes and the deep laws of cosmos by Professor Brian Greene. It has been nominated for the Royal Society Winton Prize for Science Books for 2012.
Read MoreInterview: Dr. Song Chaoyang, Assistant Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology China
Dr. Song Chaoyang is an Assistant Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) China. His Bionic Design + Learning Lab conducts research in Bionic Design, Robot Learning and Design Science. His team’s vision is to create advanced robotic systems that are sustainable and intelligent.
Read MoreStars Spin Faster as They Age: Weakened Magnetic Braking
Stars are the building blocks of galaxies. Turbulence, that is, the result of chaotic changes in pressure and velocity deep within the dust clouds gives rise to some mass. This “mass” results in stellar gravity due to which, the peripheral dust and gas start to disintegrate under its own gravitational attraction. And hence, star formation takes place.
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