Ushering An Era of Quantum Computers with Built-in Optics: The Qubit Technology

Quantum computers are hypothetical devices with higher computational power than a traditional computer. The classical system involves bits as the smallest unit of data, that is represented by 0 or 1, while quantum computers are made up of quantum bits, also known as qubits. Unlike the conventional computer, where a bit has to be either 0 or 1, quantum mechanics grants a qubit to be in both the states at the same time. A qubit would be represented as 0 and 1 simultaneously,  a hallmark which is rudimentary to quantum…

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Book Review: The Eternal Nazi by Nicholas Kulish and Souad Mekhennet

The Eternal Nazi: From Mauthausen to Cairo, the Relentless Pursuit of SS Doctor Aribert Heim is written by Nicholas Kulish and Souad Mekhennet. It is a semi biographical sketch of SS officer Aribert Heim, a medical doctor by profession and an able ice hockey player. He was serving at Mauthausen during 1941. People who survived the concentration camp reported that he used to take pleasure in operating healthy people without giving them anesthesia. Plus, he decorated his table with skulls of victims and offered the same as gifts to his…

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Microbeads To Deliver Medicines in the Body: Microswimmer Robots (w/Video)

With the advancement in the medical field, scientists are trying to develop non-invasive treatment techniques. In one such study carried out by scientists, from Drexel University in Philadelphia, have created a tiny magnetic robot that they believe can be used for targeted drug delivery or conduct non invasive small scale surgeries.

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Center of Our Galaxy is Devoid of Stellar Populations: Cepheid Desert

Recent research lead by Prof Noriyuki Matsunaga and his team of astronomers at the University of Tokyo suggest that our understanding of Milky Way Galaxy is still not complete. The team discovered that major portion of the region surrounding the center of our Galaxy is devoid of young stars, a study that contradicts the conventional thinking. In an interview covered by Universe Today, Dr. Andrea Ghez, a professor of physics and astronomy at UCLA, said the probability of formation of young stars at the center of the galaxy is high.…

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Rain Drops Powered Solar Panels: Electric Rain

Over the years, advancement in technology has helped in harvesting sun’s energy to maximum potential using solar panels. A recent development takes solar technology to the next level, here, the technology will not only help in generating electricity during rainfalls but also when the sky is covered with clouds. Thus, rain and sun both can trigger the innovative solar cell design. 

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Bacterium Inspired Remote Controlled Microrobots: Biomimicry

Researchers a Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne have developed a technique that can be used for both, fabricating bio-inspired robots and secondly, furnishing them with higher configurations. Their newly constructed platform also helps in examining and researching robot designs along with their various modes of locomotion. Result of their platform is the production of complex yet reconfigurable microrobots – the nanobots can change their own shape by rearranging the connectivity of their parts- with high throughput.

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Mercedes-Benz unveils Driverless Bus: Future of Public Transport

Future Bus is the new city bus coming straight from the vault of Mercedes-Benz. Unlike its previous autonomous semi-truck Actros that was targeted only for highways, CityPilot ridden technology bus is developed especially for an urban market. The German automaker has demonstrated that its self-driven bus is proficient enough of maneuvering through an urban environment stretching across a distance of 12-miles. It’s been nearly a decade since Mercedes-Benz has been working on automated driving technologies and the current CityPilot technology too is based on Actros Highway Pilot, the autonomous technology…

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