Electronic long-term Memory Cell that Mimics Brain’s Processes: Artificial Neural Network

With an aid of an electronic multi-state memory cell, RMIT University’s scientists have pioneered not only the technology of emulating the processes of human brain but also its ability of storing good amount of information. The discovery is a giant step that would make them closer to fabricating a bionic brain. Mirroring human brain processes would help treating Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s ailments claimed the team behind the discovery. Brain is like a complex analog computer Project leader Dr Sharath Sriram said that this is a ground-breaking development where they have…

Chewing Gum helps in removing catchy tones from Mind: Brainworms Effect

In an interesting research, scientists at the University of Reading have concluded that chewing a gum helps in eradicating the humming of song which is catchy of course and tends to go on and on within our head for days. The effect called an earworm or brainworm have been observed before but was poorly understood. However, this time, the researchers did come up with a solution and that is, having chewing gum as soon as one hears a catchy song, helps in thinking the song less often. Chewing helps in…

Impression of Human Brain discovered on Mars: Athabasca Region of the Red Planet

Recent image received by NASA clarifies the fact that once the Martian surface was saturated by volcanoes. The image has a semblance of a human brain (pictured above) and it stretches over a distance of approximately 1.2 miles. The agency has called it the ‘circular island’ since it appears to be an island encircled by smoothly flowing magma.

Glucose Sensor in Brain Discovered: Controlling Blood-Sugar Level

Experts at Yale School of Medicine have identified a control switch of glucose within brain that has a direct linkage with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Ventromedial nucleus (VMN, or ventromedial hypothalamus, VMH) is a nucleus of the hypothalamus that contains an enzyme called the prolyl endopeptidase. This enzyme initiates a chain of steps that assist in controlling the levels of glucose in blood stream. Researchers envision that this finding would help them in leading towards new treatments for diabetes.

Sleep Deprivation leads to Memory Errors: Getting Brainwashed

We already know the importance of a good night’s sleep. Taking around 8 hours of sound sleep is considered essential for the body, as it is the time when the brain gets rid of its toxins. But in today’s fast paced life, people often have to give up on their sleep to catch up with other work. This lack of sleep has been already reported as a public health epidemic by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

MindRider: Brain Monitoring Systems for Mapping Mental Experience

Researchers at the MIT Media Lab are working towards creating a novel helmet system that would reflect bike rider’s mind in the real time. It will be able to mind map rider’s engagement level from relaxed state to focused level while navigating through the routes. Mapping Mental Experience Sensors are embedded within the foam of the helmet that would act as a bridge between the brain waves and translating those ripples into the display of level of engagement. The technique is based on EEG (electroencephalography) where the embedded sensors act…

Neuroprosthetic Devices on Deep Brain Simulation Technology: Implants to Restore Memories

A new initiative by the US military program focuses around treating defense personals from the after effects of being into war. In majority of cases, soldiers who come back from battle zones develop adjustment problems or psychiatric disorders to be more specific. For instance, combatants were diagnosed with “shell shock” during the era of WW I, “battle fatigue” during WW II and in Vietnam War, it was PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. Backed up by President Obama’s brain initiative, DARPA has received a funding of $70 million from the US to…

Learning Process helps Survival of New Neurons: Using Brain at Optimal Levels

In an interesting study in the field of neuroscience, researchers have postulated that learning during the early ages of life helps in the survival of brain cells. Early learning also influence the functioning of brain cells after puberty claimed the same team. An experiment on rats demonstrated that brain cells that were exposed to learning survived with respect to the brain cells in animals that were not allowed to master a particular task. In addition, it was observed that the latter set of animals died quickly too.

Predictive Power of Brain: Similar Activity Patterns are Exhibited amid Speakers and Listeners

At times, won’t we experience that while conversing with someone, the other person just say what were thinking or were about to spill out the same topic. And then we mutter, “what a coincidence” or as I say, “great minds thing alike” 🙂 well, this actually is not the case, neuroscientists have discovered new findings about the role of the brain during a communication. They say that people often predict what the speaker is about to say, because the brain activity of the listener is similar to the speaker. 

Human Brain Simulated on Circuit Board: Mimicking Neurons and Synapses

Inspired by human brain, bioengineers at Stanford University have fabricated microchips that are relatively faster and energy-efficient where power consumption of PC is about 40k times more. Researchers envision that this would lead a novel way of understanding human brain as well as might take robotics especially prosthetics to the next level. Matching the Brain For an efficient mimicking of neurons and synapses, the team designed 16 Neurocore chips. Jointly these 16 chips were able to simulate about 1m neurons and billions of synaptic connections.

Laughter Sets Off Waves Akin to Meditation: The Brain’s Workout

“Laughter is the best medicine” is a very well known saying and is now scientifically proven by researchers. According to a study, researchers have found that laughter in humans can set off brain waves, which are very similar to those related to meditation. The study also reveals that other kinds of incitement can generate various diverse types of brain waves. 

Silicon Photonics Chip Mimics Human Brain

Researchers from Ghent University came up with a breakthrough approach by demonstrating processing of information on a chip, mechanism of which was based on the functioning of human brain. Artificial neural networks or the bio inspired technique has been used in the past to bring about complex tasks which otherwise would have been tricky to solve by rule-based programming like computer vision and speech recognition. The researchers applied 16 nodes of neural network directly in hardware with the help of silicon photonics chip. Unlike the traditional computer chips that require…