Graphene-based Light Bulbs hitting stores soon: A new era of LED Technology

LED light technology has again hit the spotlight but this time it is due to the wonder material, graphene. Consumers would soon be using graphene-based light bulbs. It is assumed that the dimmable bulb would help in reducing energy costs by ten percent and might come with a longer shelf life relatively. Although, it is expected that the cost might remain the same as is the conventional LED.

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Combating Dental Microbial Infection with Coconut Oil: Oral Hygiene

Researchers at Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT), Ireland tested coconut oil samples on steptococcus mutans, the bacteria that is responsible for dental erosion, and noted that the oil inhibited the growth of the bacteria. Further observation also revealed that the oil was equally harmful to the yeast Candida albicans that leads to oral thrush.

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Interview: Antony Gibbon, Founder at Antonygibbondesigns Studio, UK

Antony Gibbon is one of those inspiring and innovative designers whose areas of creativity include Furniture, Interiors, Structures, Products, Visualizations as well as Architecture at Antony Gibbon Designs Studio. His designs are not only individual but functional as well. Being a die heart environmentalist, he tries to bring in the force of sustainable materials in all his products. Nature and geometry are his major source of inspiration, touch of those could also be seen across all his designs. Lately, we got an opportunity of interviewing the most versatile and talented designer, so…

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Book Review: Being and Time by Martin Heidegger

Being and Time by Martin Heidegger is an ocean of infinite gems. It is one of those books, which require re-reading only to discern new motifs surfacing up every time. No single review can fully justify the thoughts running throughout the book. I did try jotting down few thoughts but am sure I still have missed some of them, which I might add later after reading it the second time.

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Ripples and not Rings in the Disk of the Milky Way: Galaxy’s Structure

As per the latest astronomical research, the galactic disk is molded into many concentric ripples, which makes our Milk Way more than 50% larger than currently estimated. According to the study led by Professor Heidi Jo Newberg at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, there exists a circle of stars which is protruding towards to the outside of the Milky Way. The conclusion has been drawn by re-visiting the data that was gathered from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey three years ago.

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Chameleons change Color by altering Nanocrystal Patterns inside the Skin: Animal Behavior

It’s been quite some time now since researchers have been studying the reasons that causes the changing of colors among chameleons. The study concluded that floating nanocrystals constitutes one of the major ingredients present within a layer of skin cells. Generally, the micro crystals are uniformly situated all over the cell. Wavelength of the light that is being reflected from the cells is determined by the spacing within these nanocrystals.

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Induction-charging Stations into Home Furnishings: Smart Homes

Say no to cable mess, especially when charging gizmos. IKEA, the world’s largest furniture retailer will be hitting the shelves with an innovative range of furniture that has come with induction-charging stations. It is part of their new “Home Smart” plan. Keeping in view with the futuristic appeal, now the furniture owners would seamlessly charge their smartphones wirelessly.

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The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg is quite an impressive book. With its umpteen examples of how people defy old habits at the sake of new productive habits and eventually achieve marvelous feat is extremely inspiring. Although the book does not promote or support one secret formula for quickly changing any habit but it makes one think with a different angle. Case studies of corporate success of Alcoa, Starbucks, and P&G’s Febreeze were quite a fascinating read.

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Solar Power Farms scorching Birds to Death: Solar facilities to Avian Extinction

During the testing of 110-megawatt Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project near Tonopah, Nevada, 130 birds were caught by fire mid-air. As per the experts glow of the farm’s tower might have been the reason that have led to the attraction for the birds, however, the owners of the project said that they would devise a way of reducing such fatalities in the future.

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