Resemblance back to the normal lifestyle after getting an injury to either of the limbs is li’l difficult. Although there are physical therapies available but the process is quite lengthy plus there isn’t enough guarantee of making hundred percent recuperation. Robotics does offer an alternative solution in terms of prosthetics but the cost factor has always remained one of the biggest huddles. Research students from the University of Pennsylvania have come up with a robotic arm exoskeleton, which is portable, powerful and at the same time quite an affordable invention.…
Read MoreLamborghini Huracán: The New Italian Exotic Supercar Replaces Gallardo
21st century heralds the supercars that not only give preference to speed but also give equal importance to safety, reliability and spaciousness where minimum fuel consumption and less carbon emissions comes in as default features of course. The new Lamborghini Huracán LP 610-4 rolls in at the same time and earns full marks in all the set parameters. Huracán made its presence felt in the 2014 Geneva Auto Show, where it replaced Gallardo, the most sought after sports car from the same company. The exotic is expected to release somewhere…
Read MoreBiomimicry: Tabbot Mimics Cartwheel Movement of Desert Spider
After the termites inspired crew of tiny autonomous bots, insect-inspired Micro-Robots and Gimball, biomimicry has a new entrant called the Tabbot. It is a tiny bot inspired from Morocco based spiders famous for doing cartwheels effortlessly. Interestingly, these spiders are capable of doing cartwheels up and down the sand dunes. Ingo Rechenberg, a professor at the Technical University of Berlin has been credited for this discovery. In order to preserve and utilize the resourcefulness of this unique mode of locomotion, the researcher has already fabricated a small bot that works…
Read MoreRight Enzymes Replicated the Semi-Synthetic DNA: Expanded-DNA Biology
Scientists always dig deeper into the functioning of nature in order for their better understandings. At times, these trials and errors have given rise to serendipity or accidental discoveries in science, amongst others, recent being how sliding saltwater over graphene generated electricity. While at other times, these experiments go beyond the natural order of workings even at the miniscule level.
Read MoreIllustris is New Time Machine: Simulation of the Realistic Virtual Universe
We know how our universe look today and we have pretty good idea as to how it looked before the things started taking shape somewhere around the Big Bang. But we have no idea how the galaxies evolve and what was before the Big Bang. In order to study this, researchers at the MIT have built a computer simulation, they have named it the Illustris. This simulation is so complex that calculating on single desktop might take 2k years alone and its volume comprises around 215m light years. Although there…
Read MoreMagnetic Fields in Electric and Hybrid Cars Involve No Threat: Cars under Safety Margin
Majority welcomed the vehicular era when electric and hybrid automobiles took to the center stage. While there were still others who were doubtful regarding the dangers that might affect the passengers including drivers imposed by the possibly generated electromagnetic fields. However, the increasing number of electric car ownership has thwarted this idea. Seven various electric cars, including hydrogen, gasoline and diesel powered cars, were put under survey by SINTEF, Norway and they discovered that exposure of the electromagnetic radiation was less than 20%. A limit, which was suggested by ICNIRP,…
Read More10 Ways to Conserve Smartphone Battery Life: The Power Management
Technology behind smartphone is evolving at a very fast pace, unlike the past era, people are not reluctant to adopt the new expertise with respect to their devices. However, when it comes to battery life, the same people then take a back seat before delving deeper into the ocean of technology. Smartphones have witnessed a major leap in terms of huge screen, fast CPUs and other eye catching system features but batteries still haven’t crosses the initial threshold. Till the time, technology behind new super batteries make its heyday, we…
Read MoreHigh Fiber Diet helps in Combating Overeating Problems: Acetate for Eating Disorders
Researchers from the Medical Research Council (MRC) and Imperial College London have discovered an anti-appetite molecule named as acetate. These acetate molecules are discharged when our body digests fibre. The released acetate molecules carried to the brain, which then signals our body to stop consuming more food.
Read MoreUnlocking East Antarctica would yield to Escalation in Sea-Level Rise: The Uncontrollable Ice-Melt
Today cities situated along the coast or on the islands are under constant threat, posed by the sea level rise caused due to changes in the climate. As the climate gets warm, sea level would rise due to melting of glaciers and it is known fact that warm water requires more space than compact water stored in the form of ice. Therefore, researchers are continuously monitoring changes in the climate and its impact on the lives of millions of humans that would get displaced if the sea level rise considerably.
Read MoreAbsence of Large Mammals Lead to Escalation of Disease-Carrying Rodents: Ecological Imbalance
Every creature that lives on this planet has a role to play in maintaining a balance in the nature. Many animals have got extinct or on the verge of getting extinct, mainly because of human activities like deforestation, poaching, pollution and other activity. Following the extinction of large animals, the population of smaller animals like rodents will surge rapidly and this imbalance will have dire consequences on the health of humans.
Read More10 Extinct Species of Animals That Ruled in Yester Decades: Wild Life That Was
Time and tide wait for none! Well, who’s not aware of this fact? Even the Earth has never been the same. Dominated by man today, the planet was ruled by some other species in yester decades. And who knows – how long are we as humans gonna make it here! Species come and go but what are left behind are their trials. The reasons for sudden disappearance of these long gone species are many, namely – catastrophic meteor collisions, ice age and of course there’s inexorable threat of one specifically…
Read MoreRecombination Leads to Evolution of Drug Resistant Lineage: Bacterial Genomics
Researchers have always wanted to know the process by which bacteria become drug or vaccine resistant over the time. They have now an answer to this mystery. To get genetic material that could make bacteria drug resistant, bacteria use recombination method, which is in other words a substitute for sex.
Read MoreFarm Bots Will Milk the Cows: Robotics in the Ranch
Robots are quickly making entry into almost all aspects of human work from household to industries, these machines are just everywhere making work easier and faster too. They have also entered in dairy farms, which were so far managed by humans.
Read MorePredictive Power of Brain: Similar Activity Patterns are Exhibited amid Speakers and Listeners
At times, won’t we experience that while conversing with someone, the other person just say what were thinking or were about to spill out the same topic. And then we mutter, “what a coincidence” or as I say, “great minds thing alike” 🙂 well, this actually is not the case, neuroscientists have discovered new findings about the role of the brain during a communication. They say that people often predict what the speaker is about to say, because the brain activity of the listener is similar to the speaker.
Read MoreLandforms on Mars: Recent Melt-Water and Debris Flow Activity in Craters
According to a recent study, researchers claim that Mars had liquid water, as recent as 200,000 years ago. In southern mid latitudes of Mars, a young crater has been discovered. Researchers say that this crater has well conserved gorge and debris of sediments created by flowing liquid water. The geomorphological feature of these formations furnishes evidence that the action of flowing water had created them in recent geological time.
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