Epson’s Dual Arm Robot, Amongst Hottest Trends In Industrial Robotics

The dual-arm, adaptable industrial robot by Seiko Epson, Japanese electronic company, reminds me of Sid, the sloth. Unlike the existing industrial bots, this prototype by Seiko Epson can visualize, take decisions, adapt as per the environment, can adjust the force while grabbing objects and above all, its portable. This dual-arm bot is capable of moving independently while performing simple tasks on assembly lines. As per the press release, Epson’s autonomous dual-arm robot is able to accurately recognize the position and orientation of objects in three-dimensional space, much like the human…

JEROS Stand Tall To Combat Marine Menace

South Korea is witnessing an upsurge of untold devastation in coastal areas some sea storm or Tsunami is not responsible for the havoc rather it is an offshoot of jellyfishes. Sounds like a great sci-fi movie but it is not the case. Jellyfish are threatening marine ecosystems and have already caused $300 million in damage and losses to fisheries, seaside power plants, and other ocean infrastructure. Invasion meltdown Large jellyfish swarms have been increased relatively throughout the world and are causing great disaster at the coastal areas. In order to…

Unleashing An Uncontrollable Force by Killer Bots

With the advent of fully autonomous weapons called the “killer bots”, the question of losing humanity is at stake. Since, technology is taking giant steps towards high-tech military capabilities, the nations across the globe are moving towards techniques that provide better combat autonomy by integrating these self-governing machines. Technologically it’s not difficult to morph controllers from humans to fully autonomous systems but a bot can never empathize with a mortal being and hence would definitely pose a threat to global sustainability. Robo weapons The robotic weapons are divided into three…