Defenseless Animals Mimic for Survival

We are often fascinated by the bright colors of the animals. In nature, these bright colors of the animals are not just to impress females or a fashion statement, rather are the characteristics of animals with an anti-predatory defense, such as a poison or sting. Predators over the time have understood to avoid attacking such animals, which either can hurt them or might taste awful. 

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Galactic Gas Stations: Re-fueling Spacecrafts on the Way

MIT researchers are planning to build a gas station in space, positioned at some point between the earth and the moon, which can fuel the future spacecraft going on lunar missions. These space-based spacecraft refueling station would involve low cost and require lesser maintenance. The space station will be positioned at Lagrange points, which is that region of space somewhere between the Earth, the moon and the sun that sustain gravitational equilibrium and thus remain at one place with respect to moon and earth. 

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Gravitational Torques of Milky Way and Andromeda Responsible for Spatial Configuration

Space scientists have been working long to discover other universes. Many researchers and studies have been conducted so far and are still going on to understand the reasons, which led to the formation of Milky Way and nearby constellation. Till date it has been accepted that Milky Way and its orbiting companion Andromeda are the leading components in a flock of galaxies known as the Local Group, which is nearly 3 million light years away. Lately, a research has open up new avenues with respect to new galaxies within 35-million…

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Ocean Life Evolution: Animals Created Oxygen First

All know the theory that first life originated in water, it is believed that the increase in oxygen levels in water has supported the evolution of complex life forms. Recently this theory has been challenged and the new theory as proposed by the researchers from the University of Exeter, in England says that, the early forms of animals are the one, responsible for enriching the oceans with oxygen.

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Microalgae Lamp: Consumes More CO2 Than A Tree

Increase in concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air is the major cause of green house effect. Researchers are determining ways to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. Pierre Calleja, French biochemist and Shamengo pioneer have found a solution to this problem and designed an innovative algae powered street lamp, capable of absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. These lamps can absorb a massive, one ton of CO2 in a year, which is the same amount that is absorbed by an average tree during its life span of nearly 150…

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Human Made Ozone Destroying Chemicals Found In Atmosphere

The ozone layer present in the stratosphere region of the earth, serve as a screen against the harmful ultraviolet B radiation that are emitted by the sun. The UV B radiations are extremely harmful for animals and causes skin cancers and cataract in humans. These radiations, also retard the reproductive cycle of shrimps, crabs and majorly, phytoplankton which in turn will affect the population of creatures dependent on the phytoplankton. 

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The UHTTR-1: Hoffman’s Table Tennis Robot

Ulf Hoffman, a hobbiest engineer has designed the table tennis robot, a bot that plays tennis but with one hand. The team has named it the UHTTR-1. Within no time, the machine reverts the ball after servicing. Its ability to respond rapidly is due to its efficient servo motors and light weight aluminum construction. At the moment, the bot works in passive mode but the engineer claim to tune it to work for the next higher level and envision to integrate other higher dimensional skill set. Unlike Watson, it is…

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Multiferroics’ Propagating Disturbance: Power Booster for Processors

It’s been quite a some time now since researchers were working upon conserving heat that get wasted when electronic device(s) – laptops, computers, smartphones – is in operation. Researchers from the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science have come up with a new form of material named “multiferroics” which is rich in magnetic properties. The researchers aim that by incorporating this material, they could enhance the efficiency of energy in the next lot of future devices, an element that is missing in the current technologies. Electric current…

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Robots Might Perform At Live Concerts: Prosthetic on the Sticks

Robots got advanced and sophisticated in the last few decades after all, they are capable of performing various tasks with precision making our life all the more simpler. Now, Gil Weinberg Professor at Georgia Tech Center for Music Technology has designed an innovative robot that can create music of its own. The bot is not the one that just plays the music instead it has been designed to create music by first ‘carefully’ listening a song or melody and then improvise new tunes. Imagine how interesting it would to have…

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Team AREND Creating Unmanned Drone to Combat African Rhino Poaching

Poaching is one of the world’s most organized and largest crime industries. Several animals like, rhino, elephants, tiger, gorilla, sharks, whales and many other species are being ruthlessly poached and extensively being pushed towards extinction. Without human intervention, these animals cannot protect themselves from the poachers. There are several anti- poaching communities worldwide guarding the last few animals left in the wild, however, the effort is still not enough. 

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EcoMotors’ Opoc Engine: Breaking the Conventional Designs

EcoMotors, a Michigan-based start-up,  is about to revolutionize the internal combustion engines by creating an innovative type of engine, which they claim would pay less stress on wallet and at the same time, might enhance fuel economy by twenty percent with respect to turbo diesel engines. The company has decided to work in co-ordination with China because they feel that China has right market for the technology. Government in East Asia is quite particular when it comes to air quality and fuel efficiency.

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Nano Innovation to Cure Macular Degeneration

Until now, treatment for eye disorders and other related problems were administered through injections, which were not only unpleasant but expensive as well. However, this would very soon become obsolete since researchers at University College London (UCL) have come up with eye drops for procuring macular degeneration. Nearly 2 in 10 people over 75 have age-related macular degeneration. And at this point of time, the research would prove a boon in combating the growing numbers of patients, and especially when the escalating demands of eye injections becomes responsible for halting…

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Spider Silk for Fixing Broken Bones: No More Additional Surgeries

Silk produced by the spiders or silkworm are known to have great tensile strength, elasticity and essentially bio-compatible. Medical researchers would very soon are going to use silk produced from these insects for fixing broken bones. Until now, metal screws, plates or biodegradable ones were being used for mending the bones. But now with this breakthrough invention we can have devices made up of silk for mending bones. 

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Protein Rich Diet Is As Threatening As Smoking Cigarette: Understanding Nutrition

A diet rich in proteins is good for a healthy and longer life, however, this belief does not hold true at all stages of life. According to a new study, a protein rich diet taken by a middle age persons, can be detrimental to health in the long run. The researchers claim that a heavy protein diet increases the risk of cancer, four times, making them as life threatening as smoking a cigarette.

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