Bumblebees Can Steer Higher Than Gaint Mount Everest

Humans, unless aided with oxygen mask find difficulty in going to higher altitudes. Even a slight increase in altitude causes breathing related problem in humans. But unlike humans, birds are very well adapted to fly high without any problem. And recently it has been found that apart from birds, even bumblebees are capable of flying at great high. Wondering how high- higher than Mount Everest, which measure 8,848 meters (29,029 feet) above sea level.

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Rats Might Go Varieties Of Evolutionary Adaptations In Future

There is a lot of work going around the planet to protect the ecosystem and animals occupying them from getting extinct. Today, many species of animals and other creatures have already got extinct or are at the verge of getting extinct due to change in climate, habitat loss and poaching. Now the question that looms before us is, what will exactly happen if the bigger mammals gets eventually extinct. Scientists are of the view that with the extinction of the bigger mammals from the ecosystem, giant rats as big as…

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Pigeons Are Born With An Inbuilt GPS

Pigeons are known for their ability to navigate through known locations by recalling of the memorized visual milestones. These birds can learn and follow frequent routes home this depends upon the complexity of the terrain below them which should neither be too pronounced nor to little. Hedges and boundaries provide ultimate landmarks for navigation, demarcating the urban from that of rural area. The research conducted by Dr Richard Mann at the Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University, in alliance with researchers at Oxford University and the Zoological Society of London. 

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New Laser Printed Bone Like Material To Be Both Light And Strong

Humans are curious by nature and this curiosity has led them to morph from Stone Age to Bronze Era. As the centuries progressed, humans too evolved intellectually and hence quenched their thirst for more by reaching solutions technologically. As we can see in the current century, technology is touching its zenith researchers are busy manipulating substances at atomic level so that human race can witness totally new and evolutionary materials. Until now, it was difficult to find or to create bone like material artificially but a team of researchers headed…

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Eyestalk Of Female Blue Crabs Produces Sex Hormone

For many living forms (including humans) eyes have a vital role to play like locating food or prey, keeping an eye on enemies, selecting an ideal place for nesting and so on. But for the blue crabs, eyes have other distinguished role to play. The eyestalks of the blue crab were known to produce hormone, which is responsible for transforming the adolescent crabs to into a healthy and fully-grown adults. Scientists at the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology in Maryland have revealed the importance of hormone in the crab…

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Cognitive Abilities in The Ageing Brain

“Imagine someone who knows two people’s birthdays and can recall them almost perfectly. Would you really want to say that person has a better memory than a person who knows the birthdays of 2000 people, but can ‘only’ match the right person to the right birthday nine times out of ten?” This question was part of Dr. Michael Ramscar’s argument to explain his new study which refutes a previously accepted idea regarding the young and the old brains. While it was widely accepted that older brains decline in cognitive function…

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Exercise Eases Stress & Anxiety

Everyone knows about the benefits of exercise, it helps to keep our body fit and help fight disease. But apart from physical benefits, exercise can also provide mental fitness. It cannot make your problem disappear, instead will make your brain strong enough to cope up with them. Exercise play vital role in reducing exhaustion, enhancing alertness and other cognitive tasks. In fact, certain medical professionals also prescribe exercise when stress has taken its toll on energy level and fight off anxiety and depression.

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Rain Storms and Heat Waves Threaten Penguin Populations

Recently we saw how changes in the climate are forcing the Arctic polar bears to change their diet and are on the verge of extinction. Another such study reveals that such drastic change in the climate is taking a heavy toll on the penguin chick population in Argentina. According to the study conducted by the University of Washington, these young ones, due to extreme weather conditions are dying directly due to lack of food and indirectly as a consequence of heat and drenching rainstorm. 

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Rise In Caffeine Use Disorder Calls For Attention

  Most of the people consume caffeine in one form or the other, which help them to be focused and alert. Caffeine is found in a variety of products from coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, OTC pain relievers, cocoa, chocolate bars and any other food and beverage products stamped with some type of the word “energy”. And therefore, caffeine is said to be widely consumed drug in the world. This caffeine addiction may lead a person suffer withdrawal symptoms and are reluctant to cut down on their caffeine intake. 

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Climate Change Forcing Polar Bears To Hunt On Land

Polar Bears population is facing the danger of extinction due to change in climate and continuous melting of ice. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and the U.S. Endangered Species Act lists them as endangered species. As per the latest study, with this change in climate, polar bears who usually used to feed on seal pubs and other marine mammals, have actually started hunting animals that are available on land. This shows when it comes to adapting as per the changing climate, polar bears are far more flexible than…

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