Vanderbilt University biologists have unraveled an interesting behavior of mosquito sperm. The mosquito sperm can acknowledge smell and certain kind of chemical smell drives sperm to move forward and harder for reproduction.
Read MoreNew Laser Printed Bone Like Material To Be Both Light And Strong
Humans are curious by nature and this curiosity has led them to morph from Stone Age to Bronze Era. As the centuries progressed, humans too evolved intellectually and hence quenched their thirst for more by reaching solutions technologically. As we can see in the current century, technology is touching its zenith researchers are busy manipulating substances at atomic level so that human race can witness totally new and evolutionary materials. Until now, it was difficult to find or to create bone like material artificially but a team of researchers headed…
Read MoreEyestalk Of Female Blue Crabs Produces Sex Hormone
For many living forms (including humans) eyes have a vital role to play like locating food or prey, keeping an eye on enemies, selecting an ideal place for nesting and so on. But for the blue crabs, eyes have other distinguished role to play. The eyestalks of the blue crab were known to produce hormone, which is responsible for transforming the adolescent crabs to into a healthy and fully-grown adults. Scientists at the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology in Maryland have revealed the importance of hormone in the crab…
Read MoreLemur Couples Sync With Their Odors
Showing love and affection is important in a relationship, whether it is for humans or animals. Unlike humans, lemurs have their own unique way of displaying love and affection. In one such study, scientists found that the resemblance in the scent displays the intensity of a lemur couple’s relationship.
Read MoreCognitive Abilities in The Ageing Brain
“Imagine someone who knows two people’s birthdays and can recall them almost perfectly. Would you really want to say that person has a better memory than a person who knows the birthdays of 2000 people, but can ‘only’ match the right person to the right birthday nine times out of ten?” This question was part of Dr. Michael Ramscar’s argument to explain his new study which refutes a previously accepted idea regarding the young and the old brains. While it was widely accepted that older brains decline in cognitive function…
Read MoreExercise Eases Stress & Anxiety
Everyone knows about the benefits of exercise, it helps to keep our body fit and help fight disease. But apart from physical benefits, exercise can also provide mental fitness. It cannot make your problem disappear, instead will make your brain strong enough to cope up with them. Exercise play vital role in reducing exhaustion, enhancing alertness and other cognitive tasks. In fact, certain medical professionals also prescribe exercise when stress has taken its toll on energy level and fight off anxiety and depression.
Read MoreRain Storms and Heat Waves Threaten Penguin Populations
Recently we saw how changes in the climate are forcing the Arctic polar bears to change their diet and are on the verge of extinction. Another such study reveals that such drastic change in the climate is taking a heavy toll on the penguin chick population in Argentina. According to the study conducted by the University of Washington, these young ones, due to extreme weather conditions are dying directly due to lack of food and indirectly as a consequence of heat and drenching rainstorm.
Read MoreRise In Caffeine Use Disorder Calls For Attention
Most of the people consume caffeine in one form or the other, which help them to be focused and alert. Caffeine is found in a variety of products from coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, OTC pain relievers, cocoa, chocolate bars and any other food and beverage products stamped with some type of the word “energy”. And therefore, caffeine is said to be widely consumed drug in the world. This caffeine addiction may lead a person suffer withdrawal symptoms and are reluctant to cut down on their caffeine intake.
Read MoreStem Cells Can Help Fight Baldness
Researchers confirm that the stem cells can help fight baldness. They claim that vanishing or dying hair follicle can be regenerated using stem cells, unlike earlier when creating an ample number of follicles producing stem cells to give rise to visible hair growth was a challenge.
Read MoreClimate Change Forcing Polar Bears To Hunt On Land
Polar Bears population is facing the danger of extinction due to change in climate and continuous melting of ice. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and the U.S. Endangered Species Act lists them as endangered species. As per the latest study, with this change in climate, polar bears who usually used to feed on seal pubs and other marine mammals, have actually started hunting animals that are available on land. This shows when it comes to adapting as per the changing climate, polar bears are far more flexible than…
Read MoreMars Once Had Pools Of Fresh Water
The red planet had fresh water puddle on its surface around 4 billion years ago, as revealed by NASA Mars Opportunity Rover upon analyzing some of the oldest minerals. The same facts have been confirmed by the Curiosity, the newcomer collecting data on the other side of the planet. Planetary scientist Ray Arvidson, with Washington University in St. Louis said,the pool of water was so fresh that could have sustained all life forms.
Read MoreSpace Travel Affects Immune System In Drosophila Flies
Travelling to space can have an adverse effect on the immune system. Researchers at University of California Davis College of Biological Sciences and lead by Deborah Kimbrell, found that the fruit flies (Drosophila flies) born and raised in a spacecraft has weak immune system in fighting commonly occurring fungus. The researchers choose Drosophila flies for the fact that they share many basic features of their defense mechanism with those of mice and humans.
Read MoreLow Intensity Workouts Aids Health
Physical activity of any intensity is better than sitting ideal. As per a new study conducted at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Ky, light intensity exercise that can make you get off the couch is still better for health, even though you don’t sweat as much as you do while working hard in gym or running for miles.
Read MoreHigh Haze Paper Might Replace The Plastic Substrates Of Solar Cells
Paper coming from wood fibers would now be replacing plastic substrates that are employed in the manufacturing solar cells. Researchers from University of Maryland, the South China University of Technology, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have proposed this evolutionary step towards future technology. As per the researchers, solar cells gives maximum output when the materials involve have high optical transparency and high optical haze. Diffusion of light is of high quality when the optical transparency is high. And high optical haze helps in increasing the scattering of light which further…
Read MoreIt’s Certified That Men Are More Absent Minded Than Women
Ladies if you are annoyed about the fact that your husband forgets some important dates and event, you will be glad to hear that men across the globe are absent minded and your husband is no exception. Men often forget anniversaries, birthdays and are equally bad in remembering names of the neighbors or a new friend and are way more absent minded than women.
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