Winters breaking all records each year and pushing humans to dependent on heaters to cope up with this dip in temperature. With the increase in use of space heaters, humans are at increased risk of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning as-well. Carbon monoxide has been also termed as Silent Killer by fireman and paramedics because it is colorless, odorless and tasteless and easily goes unnoticed until it gets too late.
Read MoreSurround Yourself With Greenery For Healthy Mind
A recent research from the University of Exeter Medical School reports that people living near green patches in urban place (like parks and gardens) tend to have eternal advantages on their psychological health. The advantages gained outlast even after the person shift away. The discovery further pushes us to work towards maintaining a greener planet.
Read MoreSize Of Thoraces In Ants May Differ As Per Work Assigned
Ants are very social creatures and live in large colonies consisting millions of individuals. Their society is divided as per hierarchy. Until now the presence or absence of wings were characteristic feature to differentiate the queen from its workers ants. But in a recent study it was noticed that the size of the thoracic segment may vary as per the work ants are designated to perform after attaining maturity. This may also explains how the ants carry load weighing many times than the weight of themselves.
Read MoreHornworm Uses Tobacco To Avoid Predators
Tobacco in any form is hazardous. Recently a positive aspect of tobacco has been discovered, although not for humans. Team of researchers from the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Ecology has found hornworm caterpillars (Manduca sexta) using tobacco as defense mechanism. These caterpillars thrive on tobacco plants and thus absorb large amount of nicotine. When in danger hornworm caterpillars expel (halitosis) some amount of nicotine toxin reserved in its blood to avert its approaching enemies such as wolf spiders and other predators.
Read MoreThe Black Swan, The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The book is quite enlightening in terms of conveying message as to how the world works. Things are not as easy as they appear to be. We are stuck in a complex web of randomness, which our mind is incapable of comprehending, a higher dimension so to say. Change by nature is erratic unlike constant, which we actually think it to be and such events are termed as Black Swans by Taleb. This book is an embodiment of idea, “what we don’t know is more important than what we know”…
Read MoreFree Play For Everyone (2)
A child’s main occupation in life is PLAY, which puts it high up the ladder of priorities in the world of child care. As promised earlier, this article is dedicated to parents who are looking for simple affordable ideas to boost their children’s play skills as well as overall development through play. When it comes to purposeful play, simplicity works just fine. It doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive at all. All you need to do is introduce simple themes and play tasks in a way that captures your…
Read MoreLike Nose Lungs Has A Sense For Smelling Too
Most of us believe that nose is the only organ, which can perceive smell but now this perception won’t hold for long. In a recent research, smell receptors have been found located in lungs as-well. These newly found olfactory receptors are termed as pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNECs).
Read MoreDogs Likes Their Toilet Along North South Axis
We have seen dogs going about in circles before answering to the nature’s call. Though this might seem meaningless to us, a recent study has revealed that the dogs actually align themselves to the earth magnetic field before relieving themselves.
Read MoreMars One Aims To Develop Human Habitat On The Red Planet
Humans are always curious about universe, whether there is life like us on any other planet or whether can we thrive on any other planets, both interests us equally. Till now visit to outer space for few months has been achieved, but nobody so far has thought of living on one such planet permanently. In one such mission, Mars One is planning to send selected individuals by 2023 on the red planet Mars (with no return voyage) to become the first ever persons to settle down permanently.
Read MoreRise Of The Lizard Bots: Gecko Robot Might Go For Spacewalk Soon
What would be the field of robotics without biomimicry, I guess, nothing. After Cheetah bot and the Big Dog, researchers have come up with lizard-bot, to which they call gecko robot. Fabricated by a research team in Canada, the gecko robot can easily cross through a vertical surface. This mechanism (of sticking) is brought about by means of dry microscopic toe hair called the setae. Christened as Abigaille, the bot weighs around 240 gram. The six-legged climbing bot project is indeed inspired from the way lizards glue and walk effortlessly…
Read MoreSleeping Can Prevent Brain Tissue Damages
In one of the article we have discussed how during sleep human brain cleans itself from toxins which if not removed can cause certain brain disorders. In a recent study, researchers have found that a healthy person deprived of sleep for just one night shows increase in molecules like NSE and S-100B in the blood concentration. These molecules are exclusively found in the brain and an increase accumulation of these in blood indicates that insufficient sleep results in brain tissue damage.
Read MoreVigo, The Technology’s Answer To Energy Drinks
Across the globe, every single day there are road accidents occurring due to drowsy driving. Sleepiness is the major contributor causing fatal road accidents and is generally overlooked by the drivers. Similar to alcohol, drowsiness reduces reflex time, alertness and hampers our decision- making ability. To combat this problem a kickstarter program has come up with a device known as Vigo. The sole aim of the device is to wake you up whenever you are low on energy and show sign of drowsiness and low alertness. In short, Vigo gauges…
Read MoreInfant Boys Prefer Dolls Over Other Mechanical Toys
We all firmly believe that girls like to play with dolls and boy prefer car, truck, gun and so on. But in a recent study it was found that infant boys like dolls over other mechanical toys like cars. The researchers from the University of Western Sydney conducted the study using a technology known as state-of-the-art eye-tracker. The study revealed that the infant baby of 5 months stared at the dolls for longer duration than the trucks and showed an inclination towards playing with dolls over cars or boy like…
Read MoreEat Cranberries For A Longer Life Span
We all love eating cranberries, but I was not aware that they have antioxidant properties which helps in having a longer & healthy life. Researchers from the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore conducted the study on a fruit fly called Drosophila.
Read MoreEinstein, The Life and Times by Ronald W. Clark
One of the best biographies, I have read so far, although I had to re-read some of Einstein’s concepts to make myself clear for the next move. The progression from one part to the other is like moving a higher level with respect to Einstein’s journey and getting to know more of him at personal level. Before reading this book, I have always wondered had Einstein not discovered the theory of relativity, what would have happened to physics. But the answer wasn’t too difficult to find, there would have been…
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