Humans Might Welcome The New Robot Overlords: An Obedience Study

How would it feel working under a ‘robo boss’, constantly pecking on top of the head, reminding the amount of work that is still left. Many would feel frustrated and might leave but there would be some, who might like to finish the task without questioning. In an interesting experiment, performed by the Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada, revealed the responses that were received by working under a robotic supervisor. Task that was assigned to humans was extremely monotonous which of course became boring…

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On Road Traffic Controller: Humanoids Take Over Streets

Robotics is one such area, which many people think can pose threat to human jobs. Bots could be seen everywhere, from automatizing work in mega factories to performing daily household chores. For instance, after the bar tending robot, now we would be witnessing a machine taking the charge of a traffic cop. 

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Meet Valkyrie, Johnson Space Center’s New Super Hero

NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) in association with the University of Texas and Texas A&M and with funding from the state of Texas itself have built a humanoid to which they call, Valkyrie, officially designated as “R5”. The bot is 6.2 feet tall, weighs around 125 kgs with 44 degree of freedom and is powered by battery. The machine is not built for any space mission or otherwise but for the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC), that’ll hold its first round of competition in the second half of this month.

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Sinfonia’s Robot Up For Cleaning Solar Panels

We already know the importance of solar energy in this era when our regular fuel sources are being depleted. Need of the hour is to construct bigger solar plants to meet with the ever rising demand. However, it is not easy to maintain such immense Solar Plants. Dust particles, bird droppings or sand grains, bar the sunlight and result in lowering the overall output of the plants by 30% in just one month (as per some research). However, until now there was no cost effective and potent solution for the…

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Epson’s Dual Arm Robot, Amongst Hottest Trends In Industrial Robotics

The dual-arm, adaptable industrial robot by Seiko Epson, Japanese electronic company, reminds me of Sid, the sloth. Unlike the existing industrial bots, this prototype by Seiko Epson can visualize, take decisions, adapt as per the environment, can adjust the force while grabbing objects and above all, its portable. This dual-arm bot is capable of moving independently while performing simple tasks on assembly lines. As per the press release, Epson’s autonomous dual-arm robot is able to accurately recognize the position and orientation of objects in three-dimensional space, much like the human…

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Pars Will Be The New Lifeguard

An innovative invention in the field of robotics has been recently tested successfully. RTS lab, earlier this year disclosed its big idea named Pars a flying robot with the aim of rescuing drowning people at sea by dropping the life saver. This idea was backed by an Iran based company which provided the required funds for the testing of the first working model in the open Caspian sea where a number of drowning cases get reported time and again.

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Controlling Robots Via An Intuitive Command System

Eye contact and face engagement are the two most important elements that plays major role in interaction among humans. And this main thing was missing when interacting with robots but now bots too would react according to the given set of instruction(s) that they’d decipher as per the eye and face recognition. Researchers at IROS made it a reality. They showed how an individual robot obeyed – within a group of bots – an instruction. This breakthrough went ahead in controlling bots in a more natural way. The bots were…

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PaPeRo, The New Housekeeper, Cashier And Office Buddy

Japanese NEC has come up with the latest variant of PaPeRo Petit (Partner Type Personal Robot) also known as Communication Robot. Unlike its earlier mobile R2-D2 version PaPeRo bot is immobile. Measuring just 24 cm in length and 1.3 kg in weight, the new and improved bot will assist in many household activities. Empowered with face and speech recognition intelligence with almost 80-90% accuracy, the cute looking bot now feature an improved camera, microphone and many sensors to measure temperature and distance. Even in darkness, the bot is still capable…

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Robo Raven, Bird That Relies On Solar Energy

After the humanoid robots, we would now we witnessing the robotic bird. This robo raven is very much similar to the real birds in the sense that it can control its wing motion due to which it is able to perform similar aerobatics like back flips and dives. Phenomena that was not possible with the mechanical birds before. Precision of the machine is so accurate that birds in the area could be seen diving and attacking from above with their talons. Other birds including seagulls could be seen lining up…

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Robots In Manned Cosmonautics Envision Scientists

Propelling robots in manned cosmonautics is one of the visions, which the scientists are working upon. After NASA’s R2, Russia is busy designing their Robonaut, the SAR-400. Within the next few years, we would be witnessing SAR-400 stepping into the ISS. Like R2, aim of SAR-400 too would be to solve repair and maintenance issues on the ISS. Talking about the physical structures, both the bots are in form of a robotic torso with no legs of course making it easier to fix to a crane on the ISS.

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Self Assembling Modular Robots: The Future Of Robotics

Modular bot will be the new dimension in the field of Robotics. Unlike the conventional scheme of robots, the modular bots are cube and without any external moving part. Researchers behind the discovery have named each as M-Block. Scientists of MIT, John Romanishin, Daniela Rus and postdoc Kyle Gilpin are going to present a paper describing their new robots at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.

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That’ll Be Me As A Robot

I have started falling for robots especially after watching Wall E and Real Steel but after seeing this, I feel I really need one of meself. I find it extremely cute & I can’t stop posting it 🙂 Ambience has a raining mood, you have a cup of coffee, the robo is playing guitar, cat is meowing on one shoulder, I’ll add a dog wagging too.  No tension of getting drenched just playing around with strings and singing. Source: Travistysbeard

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JEROS Stand Tall To Combat Marine Menace

South Korea is witnessing an upsurge of untold devastation in coastal areas some sea storm or Tsunami is not responsible for the havoc rather it is an offshoot of jellyfishes. Sounds like a great sci-fi movie but it is not the case. Jellyfish are threatening marine ecosystems and have already caused $300 million in damage and losses to fisheries, seaside power plants, and other ocean infrastructure. Invasion meltdown Large jellyfish swarms have been increased relatively throughout the world and are causing great disaster at the coastal areas. In order to…

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Scout: The First AUV Enduring Transatlantic Journey

In 2009, scientists from Rutgers University launched Scarlet Knight, the first autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). It was more of an oceanographic glider spending major portion of its time under the waterbed. Thinking on the same lines but with an improved version, a team of young DIYers, have created a 12 feet long autonomous robotic boat called Scout to face the transatlantic journey. Unlike the Scarlet Knight, Scout would not be remotely controlled rather it would rely on its pre-programmed commands and information that it can collect about its environment through…

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Bartending Robot Comes To Punters Rescue

Punters don’t have to wait for long or have to push their counterparts just to take a pint of beer or alcohol. James is going to play safe, fast and much more fairly. With its tablet computer head and one-armed metal body, it is waiting behind the bar to take your orders. Yes, you guessed it right, James is the new Barman, created by the Joint Action in Multimodal Embodied Systems programme. Just by scanning the body language of its customers, James ‘decides’ who to serve first.

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