Magnetic tentacle robot, strange it may sound but researchers at STORM Lab at the University of Leeds have come up with a tiny canular form of robot that can explore the smallest bronchial tubes in the lungs. The nano tubiform bot measures around 2 millimetres in diameter. That happens to be two times the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen. The tentacle robot will be guided from the outside with the help of (external) magnets.
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Insulation-free Magnet to Facilitate Development of Fusion Power Plant: Superconductors
Replicating fusion on earth is one of the things that scientists globally look forward to. Once they are able to reach a state through which fusion could be created, we might get virtually inexhaustible supply of power to generate electricity.
Read MoreLight controlled Organic Microswimmers: Semi Autonomous Microrobots
The idea that nanobots flowing through our blood streams to deliver localised medication or to detect any tumour formation is no more a far-fetched dream. A group of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (MPI-FKF), have developed microswimmers that can navigate through biological fluids, areas that are otherwise difficult to access. Steering is done through external form of light energy.
Read MorePerovskite Solar Cell Shows Long Stability: Photovoltaic Tech
Perovskite is an emerging name in the new generation of solar modules. Due to its super power conversion efficiency, it is extensively studied by researchers in photovoltaic technologies.
Read MoreSurface Optics & Neural Based Processing: MetaOptics
An international team of researchers at Princeton University and the University of Washington has developed a micro-sized camera to the size of a salt grain.
Read MoreFormation of Single Unit by Collision of Multiple Grains: Resurrecting Quasicrystals
Quasicrystal is a form of matter with an unusual arrangement of atoms. Although it’s called a “crystal” but it lacks symmetry. Unlike crystals, pattern within the quasicrystal does not repeat itself. They were first discovered in 1980s and since then the possible atomic arrangements violated the rules that fall under the category of crystals, that is, the materials could have only two-, three-, four- or six-fold symmetry.
Read MoreNanoscale Thermal Transport: To Prevent Overheating in Electronics
Nano world is full of mysterious features such as uncertainty principle, probabilities and wave function. It’s been at the beginning of quantum mechanics that researchers are working unceasingly to understand the perplexing phenomenon of the nano realm. Unlike the macro world, events at the nano scale are beyond the comprehension of physicists. One such problem is why some uber small heat sources cool down faster if they are packed too close.
Read MoreChameleon Inspired Next-Generation Artificial Camouflage: Biomimicry
To depict natural camouflage characteristics via artificial camouflage at device level has remained a challenge since decades. However, researchers at Seoul National University have developed an artificial camouflage that can adapt and blend with its surroundings. A defense strategy as seen in the case of chameleon that changes its appearance to avoid predators.
Read MoreFruitflies Inspired Tiny Drones To Locate Gas Leak Source: Biomimicry
Biomimicry is not only shaping sustainable designs but it’s also revolutionizing the robotic technology. Researchers today are picking up learning from animal and insect kingdom to develop locomotion and structures in their labs.
Read More256 Qubit Programmable Quantum Simulator: Computing Revolution
An international team of researchers from the Harvard-MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms and other universities has created a programmable quantum simulator. The newly developed quantum computer operates on 256 quantum bits unlike its predecessor, which was on 51 qubits.
Read MoreSoft Artificial Tactile Sensor for Robots: Electronic Skin
In a collaborative research co-led by City University of Hong Kong scientists have created an innovative tactile sensor that resembles the characteristics of human skin. Mounted at the fingertip, the sensor is capable of holding delicate objects and thread a needle.
Read MoreSkin Cells Reprogrammed into Early Embryos: Stem Cell Research
In an interesting research, scientists made an unbelievable attempt of creating early human embryo from skin cells! An international team of researchers led by Monash University Australia has developed a model that resembles human embryo from skin cells.
Read MoreSuper Strong Artificial Muscles: Interactive Soft Robotics
An Italian team of researchers lead by Prof. Marco Fontana, in collaboration with the departments of Industrial Engineering of the Universities of Trento and Bologna, have created an Electrostatic Bellow Muscle (EBM) to fabricate efficient small-scale robots. The innovative robotic muscle has potential of powering itself for a long period of time beyond its preliminary charge.
Read MoreOrigami Inspired Bags for Rocket Fuel: Cryogenic Hydrogen
Storage and pumping fuel to rocket engines are the main challenges for travel beyond Earth and between celestial bodies. Researchers at Washington State University (WSU) have come up with an interesting idea of paper folding technique to bring about the desired architecture.
Read MoreTactile Sensation For Soft Robotics: Stretchable Sensor
Sensors that could stretch will pave way towards new intelligent soft systems. Working on the same line of thought Cornell researchers have combined fiber-optic sensor with no so expensive LEDs (light-emitting diode) and dyes. The outcome is a form of a stretchable “skin” that is able to spot topographical distortions like pressure, bending and strain.
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