Scientists at the AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory) in collaboration with the Pentagon’s research arm are working towards building an innovative hypersonic air vehicle. As the concept suggests, the team aims it touch up to Mach 5’s speed while transporting guidance systems and other materials.
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Microfluidic device that mimics the actual Biological System: Alternative to Lung Ventilators
Technology that would help in fabricating vital characteristics of lung structures would lead to safer and promising alternative to specific types of respiratory and cardiac machines used for treating patients whose lungs have failed to respond due to disease or injury.
Read MoreBiosensing Chip for Remote Monitoring of Human Metabolism: Implantable Biomedical Device
Researchers at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) Lausanne, Switzerland have developed a centimeter long biosensor chip that lays hidden under a patch of human skin and is communicated via smartphone. The chip tracks the concentration of molecules quantity like glucose, cholesterol and other drugs.
Read MoreElectronic long-term Memory Cell that Mimics Brain’s Processes: Artificial Neural Network
With an aid of an electronic multi-state memory cell, RMIT University’s scientists have pioneered not only the technology of emulating the processes of human brain but also its ability of storing good amount of information. The discovery is a giant step that would make them closer to fabricating a bionic brain. Mirroring human brain processes would help treating Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s ailments claimed the team behind the discovery. Brain is like a complex analog computer Project leader Dr Sharath Sriram said that this is a ground-breaking development where they have…
Read MoreJahn-Teller Metals, the Newest State of Matter: Transition between Insulator and Conductor
An international team of researchers led by Kosmas Prassides of Tokohu University in Japan has surfaced a material that has combined intrinsic qualities of insulator, superconductor, metal and magnet. The team has asserted that this discovery would lead to the growth of new and efficient high-temperature superconductors.
Read MorePink slips to 90% employees: Robots will take over 30% our jobs by 2025
Experts predict that abilities of robots will expand exponentially and by 2025 smart machines will eclipse one-third of jobs. We are already witnessing some glimpse of the forecast in southern China.
Read MoreFingernail sized NailO controls Phone and Laptop: Wearable Technology
MIT researchers have developed a small fingernail sized trackpad, which they claim can control phone and computer, wirelessly. NailO, the input device is quite similar to stick-on nails fashion accessory. It gets attached on the user’s thumb, from where the control takes place by sweeping a finger in a particular direction over its surface.
Read MoreThe New BMW 7 Series: Remote parking via LCD Display
BMW’s 7 Series is the only sedan or extended-length limousine in BMW’s flagship car and it is about due for a redesign. The German automaker has already initiated testing some of its upcoming features that we might expect when the machine hits the shelves.
Read MorePR2 can prepare coffee autonomously: The Robo Barista
Researchers at Cornell have unleashed PR2, a robot that can prepare coffee autonomously. All the bot require is coffee maker of course and a manual of natural language instructions.
Read MoreSpiderFab: The Self-Fabricating Space Systems
Tethers Unlimited, an American aerospace company is busy making ‘SpiderFab’, a manufacturing system inspired by spider’s web making concept. The arachnids like robots are being built with an aim of placing gigantic objects and building big structures in orbit and beyond. For instance, these spider bots could be employed for constructing huge radio antennas, the extendible spacecraft booms, multiple solar panels, trusses and other multifunctional structures within the coming ten years as stated by Rob Hoyt, CEO and chief scientist of Tethers Unlimited.
Read MoreGraphene-based Light Bulbs hitting stores soon: A new era of LED Technology
LED light technology has again hit the spotlight but this time it is due to the wonder material, graphene. Consumers would soon be using graphene-based light bulbs. It is assumed that the dimmable bulb would help in reducing energy costs by ten percent and might come with a longer shelf life relatively. Although, it is expected that the cost might remain the same as is the conventional LED.
Read MoreResearchers develop 5G Wireless Technology: The Next G
Achieving 1Tbps wirelessly might not remain a farfetched dream now. Researchers at the University of Sydney have touched the threshold of 5th generation wireless systems of Terrabyte per second. Yes, you guessed it right, downloading 10 movies per second at an uber-speed of 1Tbps.
Read MoreHomo chippiens: Mimicking Human Body using networks of Simulated Organs
In an attempt to create a ‘body on a chip’, scientists are working towards fabricating minute working organs of human body on a set of inter-related plastic chips. They have already developed fingertip-sized lungs, guts and livers on the chips. For instance, researchers at Harvard University’s Wyss Institute are revamping ‘bone marrow on a chip’ for studying the effect of radiation.
Read MoreVolvo Cars to share Slippery-Road Warning: Driving Safety Systems
During rough winters, drivers have to deal with icy patches themselves. Situation becomes critical during nights when they have to fight the patches while driving in a different zone. However, things might become different when cars start sharing the on-road conditions amongst themselves.
Read MoreSamsung’s Smart TV to Eavesdrop on Conversation: The TV Phone
South Korea’s Samsung Electronics Co. has come up with a futuristic TV that can listen and share conversation taking place real time in its surrounding. Watching TV won’t be just a one sided affair now, it’s morphing towards becoming phone, just the camera is missing though. Period.
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